France Takes Gold in 2024 European Archery Championships, Defeating Netherlands in Women’s Final

2024 European Archery Championships, France beats the Netherlands in the women’s final

The French team of Lisa Barbelinindividual European champion in 2021 and 13th archer in the world, Caroline Lopez et Amélie Cordeau won the women’s team gold medal. In the final, they beat the Netherlands in Laura van der Winkel, Gabriel Schlosser et Quinty Roeffen.

To reach the final, the Blue have beaten Israel (5-1), the Britain (6-0) and theItaly (5-1)

The French took the lead from the first trick with two entry 10s then an 8 (28-27). If the Blue chained together three 9s, the Dutch managed to score two 10s to finally share the points. 1-1 after the first round. (55-55)

The second round begins timidly for Blue who, so far, have not lost a single set and have, at worst, shared the points. The French attack with a 9 of Lisa Barbelin then a 7 of Caroline Lopez and an 8 ofAmélie Cordeau. But the wind bothers the archers and the Dutch still find themselves behind halfway through the round (24-23). Lisa Barbelin, best tricolor archer, is there and scores a 10 for her fourth arrow. THE Blue continue with two 8s which offer an opening to the Dutch. Lisa van der Winkel Then Gabriel Schlosser line up two 9s then Quinty Roeffen does as she did in the previous round, namely scoring a 10 on an arrow which fits the top of the target heart and which offers the 2 points of the round to her team. Final score: 50-51 and 3-1 for the Netherlands.

Lisa Barbelin opens the third round with an 8, she who had secured two 9s and two 10s so far. Caroline Lopez et Amélie Cordeau two 9s are then offered, but van der Winkel et Castles do the same, before Quinty Roeffen, in great form, registers exactly the same 10, on the line, as in the previous round. Halfway through the third round, the French were trailing 28-26 and were off to a bad start because if the Netherlands won the round, they would win gold.

The 8 of Lisa Barbelin and the 9 found by Amélie Cordeau et Caroline Lopez then seem to give the possibility to more precise Dutch women to win the final on their last three arrows. Lisa van der Winkel et Gabriel Schlosser chain two 8s together. Quinty Roeffenimpeccable so far, can offer gold to his country but only scores a 7 which allows France to win the set down to the wire, 52-51, and return to 3-3.

The last round offers its share of emotions to Blue which initially seem reboosted. Lisa Barbelin et Caroline Lopez will get a 10 each at the best time. Amélie Cordeau continues with a 9 and puts pressure on the Dutch. Laura van der Winkel answers with a 9, like Scholessermore Roeffenagain, hits 7. 29-18 halfway through the round.

THE Tricolors need a 19 to win. Lisa Barbelin attack well with a 9, but Caroline Lopezagainst all expectations, only scores 5 points then Amélie Cordeau concludes with a 9. Despite this small jolt, Laura van der Winkel hits a 7 which forces her teammates to string together two 10s. Castles makes a 9, same for Roeffen. Third set score: 52-50 (5-3)

Ten years later, France won the gold medal of the European team championship in recurve archery at the end of a very close final which seemed to extend its arms to the Netherlands. This victory allows the French team, already vice-world champion, to launch themselves perfectly with a view to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

  • Score final : France 5-3 Netherlands (55-55, 50-51, 52-51, 52-50)

2024-05-12 12:24:00
#Archery #European #Championships #France #European #team #champion #men #women #Paris


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