Former MLB Pitcher Austin Maddox Arrested in Jacksonville for Alleged Online Solicitation of Minors

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Austin Maddox was arrested in Jacksonville, Florida as part of a police operation against the luring of minors on the internet, local authorities announced Monday.

Maddox is part of a group of 27 individuals targeted by the police raid. These individuals were trying to obtain sexual favors from minors on the internet, but these minors were instead police detectives, according to several media outlets, including the AP and TMZ Sports.

Maddox, who is 33, was arrested on April 28. Images of his arrest, which was not carried out delicately, were made public.

The former pitcher had traveled to a location for the purpose of having sex with what he thought was a 14-year-old girl. It was there that he was vigorously arrested.

He is expected to appear next week. His lawyer, James Hill, said he would fight the allegations against him and that he intended to plead not guilty.

Maddox played 13 games in major league baseball in 2017. He retired in 2020.

His bail was set at $300,000.

2024-05-20 23:38:26
#Red #Sox #arrested


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