Former Czech athletes voice opposition to Russian and Belarusian participation in Olympics in Paris

“I consider it completely inappropriate for Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris,” former hockey goalkeeper Dominik Hašek said on social networks. Former kayaker Vavřinec Hradilek spoke similarly in an interview with moderator Čestmír Strakatý.


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Description: Dominik Hašek on Czech television

Vavřinec Hradilek is known for saying what he thinks quite loudly. Thought opinions on politics. “It’s not that I need to chase some kind of popularity or some kind of fame, as they say, like likes and dislikes, but rather at the moment when I feel that I have the space to express myself and the thing comes to me important for some kind of conviction and confirmation like my bubble in that I will simply say it, so for those people it is probably important because, and it’s not just me, but several other people from public life, who, although they are not necessarily politicians or political scientists, but they can simply have that opinion. Everyone can have an opinion, of course, but it’s kind of a fine line. Of course, I try to follow the basic principle of not inventing and saying things that I think are true,” noted Hradilek in an interview with Čestmír Strakatý. In the past, he even had the slogan “Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred” written on his kayak.

“I think that the Russians and Belarusians simply shouldn’t be there now. Sports don’t belong in politics, that’s a phrase used by people who don’t take sports seriously. There was some hint, for example, from various buffoons, even if I am not criticizing Miloš Zeman, for example. Is it worth it to me to live in a free country, yes. So it’s worth it to me,” Hradilek subsequently summarized his current position on politics.

“The war aggressor is heading for the Summer Olympics in Paris. We appeal to Czech politicians to publicly declare that they will not participate in the Olympics, thus making their disagreement with the decision of the International Olympic Committee clear. Sign the appeal I won’t support LOH,” urges NESHNUTÍ on his Twitter profile.


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“In the current situation, when the Russian army is attacking and occupying the territory and committing huge crimes there, I consider it completely inappropriate for Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris. Considering that several hundred Ukrainian athletes have already been killed since the start of the war, I find it even more horrific. In no case will I support the Olympics in Paris, in no case will I go there, and I think, and I would also recommend it to all our politicians, not to support such an Olympics,” Hašek said in a spot published by NESENHUTÍ.

“Unfortunately, the IOC has completely ignored Russian athletes until now! He did not give them a chance to officially condemn the Russian war and Russian crimes. He did not try to create a refugee team for them as he did for many African countries in the past. Under the current rules, the Olympics will be an advertisement for war and that will cost a lot of lives,” commented former hockey goalkeeper Dominik Hašek.

“Everyone knows (even if many lie to themselves that they don’t) that any public appearance (including sports) is part of politics, and therefore every country uses it for its own purposes. In the case of Russia and Belarus, it is unfortunately war and crimes. That’s why, for example, many people will die because of this year’s Olympics. Do we want to allow this?” asked Hašek about the video on which Alexander Lukashenko encourages the Belarusians who will participate in the Olympics in Paris.

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author: Vanda Efnerová

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