For the Pope the embrace of one hundred thousand children

Over 100 thousand children from all over the world invaded Rome on Saturday 25 May, bringing a wave of enthusiasm to celebrate the first World Children’s Day desired by Pope Francis. Colors, smiles, hope and a lot of joy were the ingredients of an unprecedented event, with the aim of putting childhood back at the center to allow humanity to start again from children’s ability to dream, from their simplicity and desire for the future .

The Pope photographed by the Bergamo group

Delegations from 101 nations gathered inside the Olympic stadium, converting it for the occasion into a microcosm of brotherhood. «Dear children, here we are! We have gathered here, at the Olympic stadium, to kick off a movement to build a world of peace – said the Holy Father – everything in you speaks of life and the future, and the Church, which is mother, accompanies you with tenderness and hope. Last November 7, I had the joy of welcoming several thousand children from various parts of the world to the Vatican; you brought a wave of joy and showed me your questions about the future. That meeting left an imprint on my heart and I understood that that conversation with you had to continue and extend to many other children and young people. This is why we are here today.”

During the event, musical, sporting, game and reflection moments alternated, in particular thanks to the Holy Father’s answers to the questions posed by the children present. The event, organized by the Dicastery for Culture and Education and coordinated by Father Enzo Fortunato, saw the participation of around a hundred people from Bergamo who reached Rome from our province accompanied by Don Giorgio Antonioli, director of the diocesan office for pastoral care of the family, who commented: «This afternoon was an explosion of joy, a miracle of hope and peace that comes from the children. Even the youngest in the group followed the entire event with attention and enthusiasm, thanks to the organization’s ability to vary and alternate reflection, play and prayer.” «We experienced the event directly from the surface of the field, the beauty was perceiving the emotion in the looks of the kids and their fun during the day», added Don Marco Gibellini, parish priest of Berzo San Fermo, Grone and Sant’Antonio . “Entering the stadium full of children was moving, and seeing Pope Francis up close for the first time was an indescribable emotion,” said Maria Molinaro, head of the Montello oratory. THEThe Minicoro Monterosso, on the other hand, represented our city among the choirs of the Antoniano galaxy by singing the hymn written for the occasion by Monsignor Marco Frisina, «Sono noi». «It was an incredible emotion, the experience of singing in a choir is in itself a small nucleus that re-proposes what brotherhood between peoples is: you breathe at the same rhythm with many hearts beating in unison», he commented the director Silvana Conversano. Furthermore also the «Cross of joy», symbol of the event, designed by Mimmo Paladino, is «made in Bergamo»: the metal structure was produced by Cosmet of Clusone, Imberti Sabbiature of Morengo carried out shot peening, galvanizing and painting of the cross and base and Lino Reduzzi’s studio in Castel Rozzone coordinated the construction phases of the work, collaborating with Mimmo Paladino in the creation of painted panels.

Pope Francis invited prayer and remembrance for all children in war situations, hoping for a future where the eyes of no child will ever again bear witness to such horrors, but only be filled with the wonder of which they are natural bearers. A day that remembered how listening to the little ones is essential to remind us of the essential truths of childhood including the joy of small things, the ease of forgiveness, of a hug and the acceptance of differences as wealth. Learning these universal values ​​from children again rekindles the hope for humanity of a peaceful future that can make men marvel again at the beauty of everyday life.

2024-05-26 00:00:00
#Pope #embrace #thousand #children


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