Football Players in Rapšach Pay Tribute to Fallen Ukrainian Colleague, Raise Over 60,000 Crowns for Survivors

Kamil Jaša

Sports reporter

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Football solidarity crossed the boundaries of the field in Rapšach, where local players paid tribute to a fallen colleague from Ukraine. The collection for the survivors brought in over 60,000 crowns.

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They sent a check to the family of the slain football player, the applause went to heaven | Video: Diary/ Kamil Jáša

Football players collected funds and sent them to the widow and daughter of a football player who died defending Ukraine. Take a look at the video, the Deník’s camera filmed the touching applause that the players sent directly from the Rapšach pitch to football heaven.

In Rapšach, teams that were composed of interesting names played against each other. On one side was home team SK Rapšach, on the other Legendy Vitorazska. A total of twelve goals were scored. Six on both sides. “The result is not the most important thing, we are helping Valerija and Maya, who were left in the world after Oleksii Bilobrovka,” emphasized SK Rapšach chairman Jan Pytel.

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The football players handed over the check at the championship match of SK Rapšach, when an attractive derby between the home team SK and guests from nearby Klikov was on the program.

In the aforementioned match, Rapšach won 1:0, the joy could have erupted after the goal in the 85th minute, scored by Lukáš Outrata. In Rapšach, footballers and spectators confirmed that they have big hearts. The funds will help the family of the deceased football player. The check is written for 40,500 crowns, the total amount has risen to over 60,000 crowns.


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