Football: coach Claudio Ranieri, who worked for Monaco and Nantes, will retire at 72

He will forever be the coach of one of the craziest championship titles in modern football. Winner of the Premier League in 2016 with the modest Leicester club and his generation Jamie Vardy – N’Golo Kanté – Riyad Mahrez, Claudio Ranieri will retire from coaching at the end of the season, at the age of 72.

It was the Italian club Cagliari, of which he had been in charge since December 2022, which announced the news in a press release published Tuesday evening and titled “Forever mister”. A club that owes him a lot, since in addition to having brought it back to Serie A and having maintained it in these last two seasons, it had above all been at the origin of its first rise in the Italian elite, at the start of his career in the late 1980s.

After that, Claudio Raniera enjoyed a rich career across Europe: from Italy (to Parma, Juventus, Roma, Inter), to Spain (Valencia, Atletico) including England with a first stint success at Chelsea in the early 2000s then this incredible title with Leicester.

Raniera also coached in France. First in Monaco, which he brought back to Ligue 1 in 2013 before following up with a second place synonymous with qualification for the Champions League the following year. Then to Nantes, where his visit was once again a success with a fifth place in L1.


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