FIFA President Gianni Infantino Announces Plans to Improve VAR Technology

Gianni Infantino, president of FIFA, has announced the twist that the highest body in world football intends to give the WAS, a tool that has been in the eye of the hurricane since the first day of its application, according to the Marca newspaper. And that some Leagues, like the Premierit is proposed to stop using it: on June 6, at their General Assembly, the English clubs will vote whether to continue using it or from next season they will send it to the ‘trashcan of history’.

Infantinoat the FIFA Congress being held this Friday in Bangkok, announced that “we intend to develop and improve VAR“, of which he has always been a staunch defender.

An improvement that has similarities with the ‘Hawk Eye’ which is used in the tenniswhere players have the option of requesting the use of technology in the event that a ball has doubts about whether it has entered or not.

“A more basic technology has been created, with fewer cameras and therefore more affordable for everyone,” explained Infantino, who revealed that “the system is already tested“. The system is similar to that used in tennis: “The coaches of each team may request the help of the VAR on two occasions.”without specifying if by match or by each period.

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“And the players may urge their coach to request the review. In the event that as a result of the requested review there is a change in the initial decision adopted by the referee, the team that promoted the consultation will keep both opportunities to ask for a review of the play,” Infantino concluded.

The governing body of world football has organized its 74th Congress in the Thai capital with Pedro Rocha leading the Spanish delegation.

2024-05-17 11:42:58
#Infantino #announces #version #VAR


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