FC Bayern Munich Signs French Striker Noah Codjo-Evora

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    Two years after the equally risky and spectacular signing of Mathys Tel, Bayern have once again secured a French strike talent. As the Munich team officially announced, Noah Codjo-Evora will be joining FC Bayern in the summer.

    Munich – FC Bayern is preparing for the future and will have an exciting talent added from the summer. On Tuesday, the Munich team announced on their homepage that Noah Codjo-Evora was moving from FC Annecy to the Isar. The 16-year-old has signed a long-term contract and will initially hunt for goals for the U19s.

    Codjo-Evora only joined FC Annecy last summer after previously playing for the youth team of FC Villefranche-Beaujolais. In contrast to Mathys Tel, Codjo-Evora comes to Munich from the southeastern French Alpine town as a relatively unknown quantity. So far he has “only” worked for Annecy’s U17s and hasn’t been allowed to get a taste of the professionals yet. In addition, he has not yet played in the French youth or junior teams.

    Christoph Freund, sports director of FC Bayern © IMAGO/Michael Weber IMAGEPOWER

    Excitement at FC Bayern: “Tall, strong center forward”

    Hamit Altintop is still confident that the new signing can make his way in Munich. “Noah is an exciting talent who we have observed closely over several months. “He is a tall center forward, strong in the air, who has a good understanding of the game and is also well trained athletically,” said the sporting director of the Bayern Campus, praising Codjo-Evora’s abilities.

    He is now looking forward to the 16-year-old “wanting to take the next steps in his development on campus.” The storm talent is expected on campus at the beginning of July, where he will start training with the U19s.

    This article appears in cooperation with FCBinside

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    2024-05-12 15:30:55
    #Bayern #surprises #storm #jewel


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