FC Barcelona Urges Ronald Araujo to Respond to Contract Renewal Offer

Ronald Araujo25 years old, is a fundamental piece in the game scheme of the FC Barcelona. Despite the fact that he still has two years left on his contract, and has a termination clause of 1,000 million, the Barça club wants to extend the contract of the Uruguayan centre-back and protect, even more, one of its capital players in the spine. of the team. This was communicated to him by the Barça sports director, Decoat the last summit in Barcelona with his agents, Edmund Kabchi and Edward Crnjareland this is what the Barça president also let him know, John Laportato himself Araujo during the presentation of the documentary ‘Orígenes’ about the Uruguayan central defender last March.

He Barça He conveyed that goodwill to recognize the importance of the player with a proposal that included an important contractual improvement, although always within the limits to which the club is subject in order to comply with financial fair play. Despite the fact that so much Araujo as his agents have always shown good predisposition and harmony with the club, and that even the president John Laporta He acknowledged in an interview with MD that the renewal was well underway, for now Barça has not had a response regarding the offer. Taking into account that enough time has passed since the proposal was conveyed, and that the club must now make immediate decisions regarding planning for next season, the Barça He wants to urge the Uruguayan international and his agents to give a response as soon as possible.

Highly valued

In the club they also know that Ronald Araujo He is one of the players in the current squad who has the highest price on the market, and there are several big clubs in Europe that are after him, hence also the rush to get him tied up. To date, every time he has been questioned about his future, Ronald Araujo has always made clear his intention not to move from FC Barcelona. In his last appearance before the media, coinciding with the presentation of the book in which she participated as a poster ‘Sports Solidarity Stories’, Araujo He commented that “there is always talk about the future and all the proposals, it is always like that. I am very happy to be in Barcelona with my family, who is also happy, I am going to give everything until the end,” he said, after explaining that once the season ends his agents will sit down with the club again to talk. “It’s going well, I started conversations with people from the club, we are thinking about the games and at the end of the season we will sit down,” he said.

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2024-05-15 05:00:00
#Final #offensive #Araujo


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