Farma Crocetta Prepares for Double Challenge Against New Black Panthers

Tommy Adorni

After the splendid double achieved last Saturday against Cagliari, which earned them a tie with Rovigo at the top of the Group C standings, Farma Crocetta led by Gilberto Gerali returns to the field again within friendly walls for the double challenge on Saturday 11th May (Game-1 at 3.00 pm and Game-2 at 8.00 pm) against the New Black Panthers of Ronchi dei Legionari with high morale.

Compared to last weekend, captain Guido Gerali is back available, who however, returning from a work trip only on Saturday, will not be in the starting lineup, otherwise no defection. Manager Gilberto Gerali will probably confirm the choice in the rotation made in Game 1 against Cagliari, reintroducing Riccardo Bigliardi in the role of starting pitcher, with Montanari ready in relief.

Facing Farma, they will find a Black Panthers who are one point behind in the standings, with three victories and three defeats, eager to return to representing the pleasant surprise of the championship that they were last year. The Friulians, fresh from the draw obtained on the Rimini diamond, are participating in the championship with a roster, unique in the category, made up of only Italian players. The two starting pitchers are Davide Bertoldi (1 win and 1 loss, 3.18 pgl) and Matthias Zotti (2 wins and two losses, 5.40 pgl in 15 innings). In the batter’s box, at the moment, the best is the veteran Ivan Cechet, with an average of .429, followed by Giulio Da Re with .417 and Luca Furlani (.346).



We’re on the right path – said the manager Gilberto Gerali after Saturday night’s victory over Cagliari – there was a good recovery in Game 2 after the four-point deficit, which I think is the most positive sign. In my opinion, the value of our team, especially in attack, is what we showed this weekend. Long line-up, with players who know how to play good shifts, so I think it’s a good sign for the continuation of the season, given that these guys need to gain some confidence. We started with a bit of unjustified pressure and now they are letting themselves go a bit in a positive way

In the last round of the championship, players such as Tommaso Adorni, Matteo Gerali, Matteo Covati, Riccardo Fava once again stood out and are showing a notable improvement, however Gerali believes that others will also be able to improve as the season continues: “They are all young guys who have quality and who need to play as much as possible and compete at a higher level, but in addition to them there are also others who will be able to make an important contribution. Now is their moment, in which everything works well for them and we hope it lasts as long as possible, but I am convinced that others will also come out at a distance

A good response also came from the Italian pitchers: “Both Bigliardi and Montanari were consistent, they hit the strike area very well, the only regret is Bigliardi’s missed pass which cost him a substitution, but both certainly sent very positive signals.”

Farma is now first in the standings in the group together with Rovigo: even if looking at the rankings after three days makes little sense, the impression is that the technical project is at a good point.

The company’s initial idea was to help these young guys mature and we are succeeding – continues the technician– although in my opinion the best is yet to come, because this is a team that has a lot to improve and grow”

The coach’s conclusion, post-match last Saturday, concerns the inclusion of Poma and Sambucci: “There are many of us in this team and there will be room for everyone. Their role within the group is very clear, I have known them since they were children and I had no doubt that they would interpret it in the best possible way. They are integrating very well, they were called to give a more professional approach to both the athletic preparation and the batting aspects and they are filling the role very well, with a lot of commitment. I’m very happy, anything they give us more on the pitch is a gain, because the young guys look to them as examples.”



He was certainly the great protagonist of the last round of the championship Thomas Adorni, author of a double in Game 1, a triple, a single and six runs batted home in Game 2, who was radiant at the end of the game on Saturday evening: “The important thing was to win two very important matches. Now we enjoy this first place. “

He has clear ideas about the reasons for his improvement in recent times: “The arrival of Samba and the contribution of all the staff has brought a new spirit to the whole team. Like me, others are also doing very well, so we are enjoying this moment.”


Positive performance also from Alessandro Laise: “I’m happy because I made up for two less than great batting performances last week and because I’m completely recovering from the injury – he declared after Race 1-Now we’re all playing well, we have the right attitude and we’re playing good shifts at bat. We can improve and I am convinced that we will do even better in the coming weeks.”


Satisfied too Sebastiano Poma: “Little by little I’m managing to give my contribution on the field too, but I’m especially happy for these guys who are growing a lot” he also stated as he left the field after the first match.

My task is mainly to take care of the athletic preparation of all the teams with a more professional approach – he says about his role as athletic trainer– It is a long-term project and it will take time and patience to see the results.”

At the beginning of the season we didn’t think we’d see him on the pitch so often, given the conditions: “When I decided to leave Parma I was very clear: for me playing Parma meant respecting performance standards that required availability in terms of training that I was no longer able to maintain, so now my priority is my professional activity, that Crocetta allows me to carry forward. I have been and will always be linked to Parma baseball which is the team I have always dreamed of to play and of which I had the honor of being the captain. But the years pass and I believe we must have the honesty to admit when it is time to stop. La Crocetta is not a fallback, it is a new path into which I have thrown myself with great enthusiasm.”

2024-05-10 09:36:29
#Saturday #double #match #home #Ronchi #dei #Legionari


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