Fans Flock to Montreal to Witness Lionel Messi’s Debut

MONTREAL – The No. 10 that everyone came to see scored.

But enough about Bryce Duke.

Lionel Messi had the crowds running. He also made them scream, sing… and stand for long hours. It started Friday evening, at the Ritz-Carlton hotel, where some supporters stayed more than 10 hours on the sidewalk at the corner of Sherbrooke and Drummond streets. All this to see him for four miserable seconds, from his exit from the bus to his entry into the sumptuous temporary residence of Inter Miami.

It continued on Saturday, with hundreds of supporters dressed in his pink jersey massed around the large security perimeter erected for the first divine visit to the Olympic Park since 1984. Again, they waited for hours to catch a few seconds of Messi walking from a bus at the entrance to Stade Saputo, mate in hand.

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Argentinian superstar Lionel Messi brought crowds to Montreal.

Photo : usa today sports via reuters con / Eric Bolte

In short, a lot of investment for a so-so result, like his performance in this 3-2 victory for Miami against CF Montreal. After Messi’s stunning record of one goal and five assists last weekend against the New York Red Bulls, fans were undoubtedly expecting fireworks.

There were a few touches of genius, well-placed free kicks that skimmed the target and, a few minutes after the break, one of those passes to Franco Negri where Messi, as Rowdy Roddy Piper once said, changes the questions when everyone thinks they have the answers. It was only in the last minutes that we saw some of these slaloms that have delighted fans for years.

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Bryce Duke opened the scoring against Inter Miami.

Photo : usa today sports via reuters con / Eric Bolte

Three times at the end of the match, many supporters chanted Messi’s name. The score was already 3-2 for Miami, courtesy of Matias Rojas, Luis Suárez and Benjamin Cremaschi. Montrealers pushed hard to create equality. That didn’t please many people in the Montreal camp.

I understand that people cheer Messi, underlined the head coach of the Bleu-blanc-noir, Laurent Courtois. But for me, as a coach, when I lose and I hear my stadium applauding the other guy, it’s hard.

I am very disappointed for the fans. Not for the spectators who came to sing Messi. It’s a little hard tonight.

A quote from Laurent Courtois, head coach, CF Montreal

We can understand Laurent Courtois, and the circumstances were absolutely exceptional. You can bet your grocery money that Saputo Stadium won’t be chanting Cucho! on Wednesday when the Columbus Crew are the visitors. Your conscience will be clear.

But the reality is that Lionel Messi probably would have had to rape baby cats in the central circle for us not to applaud him. And still, some would have found a way to say that the kittens had looked for him.

The volume in the stadium particularly increased in the 84th minute, when the big star of the day got a shot in the course of play (during an offside action, it should be noted) and the ball fled the framework. The audience chanted his name. As a farewell to the public, Messi just made two small hand gestures to the spectators in the northwest corner before rushing into the bowels of the stadium. His love rating will not decrease.

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Samuel Piette and Lionel Messi, captains of CF Montreal and Inter Miami.

Photo : usa today sports via reuters con / Eric Bolte

I can understand the fans, admitted Jules-Anthony Vilsaint, scorer and decisive passer on Saturday. He’s their idol too, one of the best players of all time. But it’s 50-50.

We’re losing 3-2, it’s the end of the match and it screams Messi. We were disappointed, because we were trying to come back with a third goal. It’s a bit discouraging.

It must also be recognized that Messi’s supporters, who had paid a huge sum to see him, had one of these scares in the 40th minute when George Campbell’s tackle sent Messi to the ground. The world champion had to receive treatment and, as now required by the rules, had to stay on the sidelines for two minutes afterwards – which Miami coach Tata Martino deplored as politely as possible after the match .

As if to hammer home that this would not be the evening where the name Lionel Andrés Messi would appear on the scoresheet, it was during these two minutes that Matias Rojas reduced the gap with a free kick taken from Boulevard Viau or almost . The episode did not prevent Bryce Duke from thinking that Campbell had perhaps awakened the sleeping bear.

With a player like that, nothing can trigger something, indicated the other Montreal scorer. With his talent, he can pass five guys with the ball and score. It crossed my mind. But it’s part of the game, these tackles.

Messi therefore returns without a goal, without an assist, but with three points. The circus is leaving. Glad it’s over, Laurent Courtois?

We are lucky to experience moments like this, we wish it was every weekend.

As long as we win, and then we don’t experience weeks like those that preceded this Saturday too often, right?

By the way, yes, Olivier Renard and Vassili Cremanzidis were at the stadium.

2024-05-12 01:38:08
#Messi #cleared #Inter #Miami #wins #Stade #Saputo


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