Falcons QB Kirk Cousins Feeling Great and Ready for Training Camp

Falcons head coach Raheem Morris has said Cousins should be pretty close to a full go by training camp. After testing his Achilles during Tuesday’s non-contact sessions, Cousins said he’s feeling great.

“It’s coming along really well,” he said of his rehab. “Today I felt the best I’ve felt. … Falcons training staff is doing a great job with me on a daily basis on the rehab and I think everything is trending in the right direction.

“I wasn’t sure when I stood here in March — and I had just gotten here — how much I’d be able to do at practice, but today I felt I was able to do everything I would have normally done. That’s big for that stuff I talked about initially: building continuity, getting shared history together. So that’s a huge help, and (I’m) excited to see how fast we can heal from here.”

Cousins’ drama doesn’t end with his health, though. There remains the unresolved investigation into if the Falcons tampered when Cousins signed his four-year, $180 million contract with Atlanta fewer than two hours after the free-agency window opened on March 13.

In his introductory press conference back in March, Cousins referenced talking with the Falcons’ medical staff, which led to the tampering investigation. Although he deferred to the league’s ongoing review, Cousins suggested that his comments were much ado about nothing.

“The league is still working their way through it, so I’ll let that play its course before I say anything out of turn,” he said. “If I said anything at the press conference, it was because it was so innocent.”

2024-05-14 19:18:00
#dont #deal #hypotheticals


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