Exploring Rorschacher Sandstone: A Tour of Bärlocher Steinbruch und Steinhauerei AG

Exploring Rorschacher Sandstone: A Tour of Bärlocher Steinbruch und Steinhauerei AG

20. May 2024 – 05:10

On May 15, 2024, over 20 people visited Bärlocher Steinbruch und Steinhauerei AG. The event was organized by Pro Senectute Rorschach & Unterrheintal as part of the 1st semester 2024 course offer. Christian Bärlocher, owner and managing director, led the group through “his” quarry. At the beginning he talked about the formation of sandstone, which took place many millions of years ago, long before the last ice age.

Rorschacher sandstone has only been mined since the 13th century. Historical buildings such as the cathedral in Konstanz, parts of the Munot in Schaffhausen, the ports in Rorschach and Lindau and many town houses in Meersburg bear witness to this. When compared over time, Bärlocher appears to be very up-to-date: Bärlocher has been mining sandstone in Rorschach since 1890, in the 5th generation.

Christan Bärlocher spoke about his extensive product range. In contrast to the past, where only blocks were mined and sold, today practically the entire value chain is offered in-house, starting with implementation planning and construction advice including exhibitions. Simple floor slabs, fountains, balcony railings or gravestones, etc. are made from the natural stones. On the one hand, modern machines are available for stone processing, but the craftsmanship is and remains an important part.

After a good two hours, the course leader said goodbye to the group and thanked Christian Bärlocher for the very interesting and informative tour. (Text/Images: pd psr pr)

And the next event is already in sight:

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2024-05-20 09:29:53
#Pro #Senectute #Rorschach #visited #quarry


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