Experience the Benefits of Tai Chi at +Atlantic Sport’s Free Beach Event

Visitors for all ages and totally free. The program +Atlantic Sport The season of beach activities begins with a day of this discipline that is held on Saturday in the area of ​​the beach market. Samil from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

As is usual in the tai chi modality and also in yoga, two of the now classics of the cycle of activities, it is a open day to anyone interested and will have a session accessible to different levels. Of course, to participate you must register through the website masdeporte.atlantico.net.

The day is carried out in coordination with the Shalom center, a specialist in these disciplines, and will be led by the teacher Ángeles Cristóbal, who has a renowned career in the world of tai chi with more than a decade of experience. She was already in charge of directing the session held last year and which enjoyed a notable attendance, with eighty people in the surroundings of the Vigo sandy area.

The area chosen to carry out the tai chi class is known as the ‘Marketplace’, which is a large esplanade in the center of Samil and which has a large parking area to the side for those interested in going to the class. A comfortable place and easy to get to.

In terms of weather, although there are still several days left for the event to take place, everything indicates that there will be good conditions, with sun and without excess heat. Being in the morning, the wind is usually low. Something that always helps so that temperatures around 15 degrees do not feel low.

2024-05-22 07:50:09
#Tai #chi #opens #year #Samil #Deporte #Atlántico


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