Exciting Playoff Action Begins in Local Basketball: A Preview of the Quarterfinal Matchups

He joined La Nueva Provincia in 1995. He works in the Sports section and was a collaborator in Regional and Local News of this same medium. He specializes in basketball. He was part of the staff of Encestando y Zona de Básquet magazine for 10 years. He had experience in the program Radial Contrabásquet, on Radio La Red.

Twitter: @rodriguezefe

Instagram: ferocity_



The always attractive playoffs leading to the First Division title in local basketball will begin today, at 9 p.m., with the best-of-five series corresponding to the quarterfinals.

Five of the eight positions were only resolved on the last date of the regular phase, which summarizes the parity that existed in the contest.

The crosses that determined the same were Villa Miter (1st)-9 de Julio (8th), Bahiense del Norte (2nd)-Pacífico (7th), LN Alem (3rd)-Olimpo (6th) and Liniers- (4th)-Estrella (5th).

What happened last night at the beginning of the stay

The second matches will be played next Monday, reversing the home field, with the exception of 9 de Julio-Villa Miter which moves to Tuesday due to the participation of the tricolor, that same day for the Argentine League in Lanús.

The news about the teams and how each one arrives:

Villa Miter (1st)-July 9 (8th)

A series with a particular context will be played by Villa Miter (1st) and 9 de Julio (8th), starting at the José Martínez, where Sebastián Arcas, Mariano Enrique and Juan Cruz Schernenco will direct.

The managerial-technical decision at Villa Miter was to face the Argentine League and the First Division tournament with the bulk of the same team, assuming the risk that the coincidence of decisive instances entailed at some point. Well, that is currently happening, because Villa will begin the national semifinals on Saturday by visiting Lanús.

Consequently, for tonight the presence of players with the most participation in the League will be limited to Manuel Iglesias, Álvaro Chervo, Guillermo Romero, Javier Bollo, Gianmarco Reale, Ignacio Alem and Agustín Lozano, in addition to those who only play in the domestic competition.

That is to say that Jano Martínez, Federico Harina and Franco Pennacchiotti will not be changed.

Regarding the visitor, last classified in the playoffs, everyone will be available.

The matches between the two were won by Villa Miter: 68-58 and 77-78.

The present finds him at 9 at his best. After the break he lost José Gutiérrez and after a weak start he recovered, scored three consecutive victories (his best streak of the tournament), managing to qualify on the penultimate date.

The tricolor, meanwhile, lost the last two games (there were 4 in total during the regular phase), although already with the number 1 secured, so it preserved players against LN Alem and, even more so, against Estrella.

Northern Bahiense (2nd)-Pacific (7th)

Both Bahiense del Norte (2nd) and Pacífico (7th) had a negative final stretch of the regular phase, which will be measured at the Manu Ginóbili, refereed by Eduardo Ferreyra, Alejandro Vizcaíno and Juan Jaramillo.

The fact is that, beyond the fact that both shared victories at home in the regular phase (the tricolor, 83-60 and the green 80-73), the local team arrives with four defeats in a row (its worst streak of the season and scoring in three games less than 70 points), while the green accumulates five falls in the last six presentations.

Therefore, it will be a giving again for each one. Although five positions separate them, there were only three wins difference between them.

The two coaches will have all the players at their disposal today.

LN Alem (3rd)-Olympus (6th)

The curious series between Leandro N. Alem (3rd) and Olimpo (6th) will face two teams between which, when they faced each other, the one who finally ended up in the worst position prevailed.

Despite having a home field disadvantage in the series, the aurinegro won both regular phase matches against the verdirrojo: 89-88 and 94-101.

With this background they will face each other today at the Daniel Lacunza, refereed by Sebastián Giannino, Marjorie Stuardo and Marcelo Gordillo.

The coincidence between the two is that they arrive with complete squads and an identical record at the end of the regular phase, winning in four of the last five presentations.

Liniers- (4th)-Star (5th)

Liniers (4th) and Estrella (5th) are the only rivals in these series that finished with the same number of wins and losses in the regular phase: 13-9. Chivo’s advantage in winning the home field was the games against each other, winning both away (89-87) and at home (81-73).

Today they meet again at the Hernán Sagasti, where Alejandro Ramallo, Néstor Schernenco and Juan Agustín Matías will conduct.

The albinegro is the best team at the moment, remaining undefeated in 2024 with eight wins and, unlike the previous games with Estrella, they also add the presence of Francisco González. On the other hand, Mauro Miérez will not be able to play today, with an adductor contracture.

During the visit, Nahuel Cámara moved in recent days, with the intention of trying to add some minutes in the series, after a prolonged absence due to an injured knee.

This series has as a precedent the disturbances generated by both sides when they clashed at the Hernán Sagasti and which led to different suspensions. For this reason, and in a wise decision, the clubs’ leadership agreed to take some precautionary measures.

For example, they decided to invest the substitute benches, as shown in the graph.

Liniers will occupy the bench that is closest to Calle 12 de Octubre and his followers will be located in the stalls behind it, at the back of the field and in the stands parallel to the side.

Meanwhile, for the people of Estrella, the stalls were allocated behind the bank itself and the main tribune that faces away from Avenida Alem.

2024-05-09 08:01:49
#day #arrived #celebration #playoffs #leading #Primera #title


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