Everyone to the Flickeneta – The penultimate living raulista

Define (as, by the way, Quique Sánchez Flores has done today with a great dose of generosity on his part) the Barcelona Football Club’s relationship with its legends as “a bad streak” It’s something like calling the Atlantic Ocean a puddle. The thing about Barça with its legends is not a bad streak, no, it is another another symptom of institutional degeneration. Saying goodbye to Koeman on a plane is a symptom. Dispensing with Messi as was done is another symptom. Ending Xavi as has been done is another symptom. They are symptoms of a disease called “decay.” But with Xavi they have gone for a note: look him in the eyes and say “you’re my man”, suggest in the hospital that he wasn’t going to continue, force him to take an exam with Deco and, finally, make him train tomorrow and sit on the bench next Sunday, that’s mocking of a legend.

Y when you make fun of your legends, when you disrespect them, when you force them to go down the street and people comment “look, this one doesn’t know it yet”, then the one who has to go is you. The problem is that for the bench you can have an alternative, but for the presidency… That is another story. A good president cannot be bought with money. You can wait, as La Vanguardia says, that Xavi renounces his part of the settlement or you can squander another 15 million euros, since what else does he give. But a president cannot be bought. And what is the replacement for Laporta? Font? Oh really? Just because you are a professionally successful man does not mean at all that you are going to be a good president. Gaspart has had professional success, Bartomeu has too, and both have been disastrous presidents. If Barça has not just gotten out of the dark crossroads in which it has found itself for years, it is because there are large sectors of the Catalans that have not quite recognized that they are in a big mess. And, to get out of that mess, the first thing you have to recognize is that you are in one. Yesterday I said it: Monday Flick? Well, Monday Flick. Tuesday Flock? Well, Tuesday Flock. Wednesday Fluck? Well, Wednesday Fluck. Today, at El Chiringuito’s Twich, Jota Jordi said that one of the reasons for bringing Flick is that he doesn’t know anyone. Well, very good. Flick doesn’t know anyone. Let’s give him time until he meets them. Then he runs away anyway.

I do not intend to recount once again Barça’s series of catastrophic misfortunes. But here we have ruled out the human factor as the origin of all evils and to me the matter does not seem trivial at all. Javi Miguel, a teammate at As, remembered this afternoon when, back in 2008, Pep Guardiola decided to do without Eto’o, Ronaldinho and… Anderson Luis de Souza, better known as Deco, who is the current sporting director. Well, the captains of the first team, and Xavi was there, then asked Guardiola for the Cameroonian to continue, but for the other two they did not lift a finger. AND Deco has saved it. He has been cooking it for 16 years. To simmerQuietly, quietly, quietly.

If I understood correctly, today the sports director told Xavi Hernández, who has won eight Leagues, four European Cups, a World Cup and two European Championships, the sporting reason why he is leaving. Deco, who has a very extensive track record as sports director, giving Xavi an examination in front of his brother, Rafa Yuste and Joan Laporta. It is evident that Deco has suspended Xavi. Now Laporta is left without an umbrella, but so is Deco. Everyone to the Flickeneta. A new and exciting project starts. With many footballers in the portfolio. Lewandowski already said it the other day, “we are not afraid of Mbappé.” Hansi Flick is the new flag bearer of DNA. He is already going down Monserrat waving it. Soon he will stop being Hansi and become Joan. Joan Flick. The new Guardiola. The new Cruyff. The new myth. A legend. Be careful with that, we already know how legends end. A bad streak, according to Quique.

2024-05-24 17:54:30
#Flickeneta #penultimate #living #raulista


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