ESV Ingolstadt Judoka Notch First Victory of the Season in Dominant Fashion

The knot has been broken: The judoka of ESV Ingolstadt achieved their first victory in the current season of the 2nd Bundesliga South with an 11:3 win against the judo team Rheinland. “It’s definitely a big weight off my heart. What the boys showed this time gives me hope for the next difficult fights,” explained coach Sebastian Zimmermann afterwards.

After the tough opening program against the top teams from Rüsselsheim (7:7) and Sindelfingen (3:11), the always ambitious “Coyotes” found themselves in the penultimate place in the table. A region that they didn’t even like. They went into the encounter against the bottom team with corresponding motivation – and in the end they weren’t even challenged at 100 percent.

Because the guests were unable to fill two weight classes (-60kg and -66kg), the railwaymen were ahead 4-0 before the start. Afterwards, practically all players fought “really hard,” as Zimmermann described it, so that the railroad workers were assured of overall victory after the first round (seven fights). Georg Buschmann (-73kg), Mohamed-Montassar Rouahi (+100kg), Nikos Moysiadis (-81kg) and Michael Graßer (-90kg) each achieved confident Ippon victories, only Nikos Mouladze, who had moved up to the -100kg class, had to accept defeat until halftime.

“The good course gave me the chance to move the squad around a little,” said Zimmermann, who changed all weight classes in the second round and also named new fighters with the exception of Georg Buschmann (up to the -81kg class). The fact that Buschmann and Andreas Neureuther (-90kg) lost only had statistical value. What was bitter for the railway workers was that Neureuther twisted his knee in his fight and was in danger of being out for a longer period of time.

“I’m sorry for Andreas, I hope it’s not that bad. Otherwise, overall it was a very enjoyable competition for us, which brought the team together again,” explained Zimmermann in conclusion.

The improved team spirit in particular should of course help in the upcoming duels at HTG Bad Homburg (June 1st) and league leaders TSB Ravensburg (June 29th), as the ESV coach says: “It will be extremely tough. But now we have gained self-confidence and know that we can stand up to them.”


2024-05-15 03:34:55
#Coyotes #ESV #Ingolstadt #put #opponents #mat #Neureuther #injured


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