Episode 871: Christina Ballantyne | Bad at Sports


In this episode of Bad at Sports Podcast, we delve into the puffy painting and bulging canvases with Chicago-based artist Christina Ballantyne. Live from the opening day of EXPO Chicago 2024. We are the very heart of fabulous in the center of art world fortune and glory.

Guest Bio: Christina Ballantyne is a Chicago-based artist known for her dynamic and thought-provoking artwork. Her work explores themes of identity, culture, and the human experience, drawing inspiration from her surroundings and personal reflections. With a background in fine arts and a keen eye for detail, Christina’s creations have been exhibited in galleries and art spaces across the country.

Christopher Hudgens is the Operations Manager for BaS and works in various other capacities for other organizations in the Chicago Art & Culture scene. Most recently as Business Operations Manager for the Bridge Art Fair and currently an advocate for all things art & technology.

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