Empowerment Through Judo: Lindau and Norderney Youth Academies 2024

Lindau is the beginning

At the JJA in Lindau from 12th-14th July 2024 Young committed people from all over Germany meet at Lake Constance to further their education together. The academy’s motto is “Judo makes you strong”!

At the Lindau Youth Hostel, speakers Jens Keidel and Maria Deimel will discuss the topic of “Mental Health” with you.

Register now and join in:

The registration deadline is June 1st, 2024. The number of participants is limited to 20. Registrations will be processed in order of receipt. Further information in the advertisement.

Inse Academy

In August it’s time to cast off and head to Norderney. From the 16-18. August 2024 The “Island Academy” takes place.

At this judo junior academy everything revolves around the topic of judo makes you strong. How can I make myself physically and mentally strong? How does judo make you strong? In addition, as with every judo junior academy, there is also an exchange of interested people of the same age.

Registration takes place exclusively via the following link:

The registration deadline is July 1st, 2024. The number of participants is limited to 20. Registrations will be processed in order of receipt. Further information in the advertisement.

The event is funded by the German Sports Youth (dsj) future package. Therefore the course ticket is free. You only have to pay a contribution of 25 euros for a special polo shirt.

If you have any further questions, you can contact Maria Deimel: mdeimel(at)judobund.de.

Register now!

2024-05-16 11:54:14
#German #Judo #Association #Academy


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