Empowering Youth with Disabilities Through Sports: A Day of Inclusivity and Fun

The Allonnes Sports Youth (JSA omnisports) organized, on Tuesday, a major day of motor activities open to all people with mental and psychological disabilities. These young people far from sport were able to practice various and adapted activities. There is a strong demand for this type of meeting, as shown by today’s high level of attendance, with more than 80 young people registered,” indicates Richard Magnette, secretary general of the French Adapted Sports Federation (FFSA).

Joris Chataigner, coordinator of the day, was accompanied by volunteers and around twenty young people from the IRSS-du-Mans school, training to become sports instructors. They set up the six morning activities planned indoors.

The groups were divided into different games: archery, skill games and even opposition games on the tatami of the dojo. Concentration did not prevent the laughter from resonating in the gymnasium room. And each participant received a small sticker which they then had to affix to the Olympic fresco provided by the JSA.

In the afternoon, another outdoor session. The future educators had prepared the six new activities. The games were able to continue despite the start of rain which quickly stopped. Great success for the Kin-Ball, a huge light ball. Mini tennis, badminton, running and throwing then followed one another.

“I know this game, it’s a vortex,” announces Louanne. She launches the mini-rocket: 3 points for her and 4 for Axel, her neighbor.

A great success of this day thanks to the investment of the organizers and the work of the educators. It’s a day we like, said Richard Magnette, we know why we volunteer!

Matthieu Guérin, their trainer, is very satisfied: They all responded.

The appointment has already been made for next year.

2024-05-17 03:19:01
#Day #motor #activities #JSA #Omnisports


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