Empowering Youth Through Sports: A Community Initiative in Maida


For each beneficiary, at least 2 hours of free physical activity per week are provided for a period of at least 5 months.

Following the adhesion of the municipality of Maida to the public notice promoted by the Department for family policies “BenessereinComune” for the development of initiatives to support families with minor children aged between 7 and 14 years, the institution saw recognized with a loan of 33,000 euros (22 of which provided by the Department) the work of councilor Ciliberto, who prepared the implementation project in all its phases.

The intent is to support the families of young people in pre-adolescence and adolescence who often encounter increasing difficulties in accompanying their children in the process of growth, socialization and building healthy relationships between peers, also with the aim of educating about phenomena such as bullying and cyberbullying, combating the risks associated with incorrect use of digital devices as well as a tool for fighting and preventing youth addictions.

The objective is to develop a truly inclusive culture by encouraging the learning of a sport capable of concretely enhancing the principles and values ​​of a society truly free of obstacles. The activities offered by the amateur sports associations present in the area involved in the project will be free of charge for families and will range across different disciplines, with a wide range of opportunities. For each beneficiary, at least 2 hours of free physical activity per week are provided for a period of at least 5 months.

The sports proposals are calibrated and differentiated for each age group according to the following scheme: football courses, archery courses, dance courses and fit boxing courses.

2024-05-15 14:36:00
#Football #archery #dance #fit #boxing #financed #euros #BenessereinComune #Maida


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