Empowering Archery: Lyon Archerie’s Partnership with the FFTA

Lyon Archerie’s partnership with the FFTA.

Archery, whether practiced individually or in a group, is a sporting activity that requires self-control, precision and a spirit of effort. It is an Olympic discipline that can be practiced throughout the year. Whether indoor shooting, outdoor shooting, course shooting or Beursault shooting, archery embodies a captivating elegance and intensity. It brings together various practitioners throughout France.

The FFTA or French Archery Federation brings together 1,600 clubs in France with 77,000 members in 2017. Its aim is to develop the practice of archery by promoting civic values ​​such as respect and fairness. -play.

The federation works with various partners, who offer their support to the discipline of archery. Lyon Archerie is one of these partners and offers a continued commitment to the development of archery in France. The company offers its support to the federation by providing an exceptional range of quality equipment to archery enthusiasts and professionals. As a supplier of FFTA targets, Lyon Archerie creates enthusiasm and attractiveness around this ancestral sport.

Lyon Archerie’s expertise in archery equipment.

For four decades, Lyon Archerie has established itself as an essential pillar in the world of archery. The online store offers quality and state-of-the-art items such as bows, arrows, discs and targets. The online archery store has all the equipment necessary for an archery session alone, with family or friends.

The Arc Kit: iconic product from Lyon Archerie.

Lyon Archerie offers a varied range of accessories and kits containing all the equipment necessary for practicing archery. The Arc Kit or archery kits is a flagship product that meets safety and performance standards. These complete sets are designed to meet the needs of archers of all levels. Furthermore, the Arc kit is suitable for competitions, Archery Combat games, or training sessions.

The online store offers customization options to meet the specific needs of practitioners. A specific kit for 10 archers is available for Archery Battle, a collective form of archery that can involve ten or more players. This kit includes face masks, fiber bows, foam tipped arrows, foam targets and field decorations.

For those looking for a fun experience, Lyon Archerie offers the Archery Tag kit, including bows suitable for beginners, protective masks, foam-tipped arrows, foam targets with feet and bunkers to enhance the game.

2024-05-17 10:25:34
#Lyon #Archerie #partner #FFTA #supplier #archery #equipment #years #Sport.fr


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