Empowering All: Free Archery Workshops for People with Disabilities

Adapted archery

Every Friday in May and June, the Lima Park Service (Serpar) will offer a free archery workshop for everyone and adapted for people with disabilities who wish to learn to practice this Paralympic sport.

Classes will be taught at the Club Metropolitano Wiracocha (San Juan de Lurigancho) at 4 pm for students with reduced mobility and at 5:15 pm for people with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities.

This aforementioned program “Archery for everyone” seeks to spread the sport and find new talents in different categories, as well as provide knowledge that will help in the initiation stage of this sport.

In this pilot stage, the teaching of two groups will be focused: reduced mobility and mild/moderate intellectual disability. Scholarships will be awarded to the most outstanding students in the initiation phase

Where the adaptation will affect the methodology (archery technique), the type of activities, the instruments and the forms of evaluation.

“We hope to have many students since the objective of these workshops is to raise awareness in the community about the importance of building an inclusive society by promoting the active participation of citizens,” mentioned the president of the Serpar board of directors, Luis Molina Arles. In the same way, we want to bring people with disabilities closer to the possibility of accessing sports training so that they can perform according to their abilities, he concluded.

It should be noted that to access this free workshop you must first register and register on Serpar’s social networks, where you will find the link that will direct you to a platform where you will register.

Lima, May 17, 2024

2024-05-17 21:38:51
#Club #Metropolitano #Wiracocha #offers #adapted #archery #workshop #SERPAR


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