Embracing the Old School: Zach Edey’s Journey to the NBA

Zach Edey does not have the most modern profile of the next vintage of Draft and he is aware of it. A big guy measuring 2m24 and 136 kilos, he wants to rely on his qualities in the NBA, to dominate with his strengths.

The modern interior profile regularly drawn up in the NBA is that of a fast player, capable of switching in defense to the opposing exteriors, of shooting from afar and even if possible, of distributing some caviar. Everything Zach Edey is not. The Canadian center is massively heavy and looks like he has a game straight out of the 1990s.

Adept at playing in the post and protecting the rim, the 2m24 player dominated in the NCAA with his university at Purdue and was twice elected MVP of the competition. However, according to many observers, his profile is not made for the NBA. Zach Edey is aware of this and responded to the microphone of Mike Vorkunov of The Athletic :

“I will never be a great who can play like Kevin Durant, that will never be me. I’m a guy 2m24 and 136 kilos. I’m made to be in the paint, to create space and protect my racket. And that’s what I’m going to continue to do. I think there are a lot of people in the NBA who do that kind of thing. (Jonas) Valanciunas, (Ivica) Zubac, Steven Adams; guys who have had a lot of success in the NBA being present in the paint. I’m going to stick to who I am and I know who I am.”

A step back and a confidence in the player that he is, but which does not prevent him from wanting to develop new weapons. Zach Edey wants to “adapt to what the team” – him – “asks him to do.” And if his honesty asks him to work on his outside shot in particular, he will do it:

“I think I can get there (to be consistent from distance), but for the moment, they (franchises) are not recruiting me to do pick-and-pop or 3-point shooting. Right now, they’re recruiting me to get in the paint, get rebounds, protect the rim. Obviously, you saw in my shooting drills that I can shoot. I can do that kind of thing if I’m asked.”

While many think he is too slow to become a good defender in the NBA, the Canadian lists this part of his game among his strengths. In any case, he will have to quickly pick up the pace so as not to disappoint those who followed his domination at university and above all, to answer the questions surrounding him.

Source texte : The Athletic

2024-05-17 16:58:00
#Zach #Edey #revolutionize #game #NBA


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