Élancourt celebrates local sports and volunteerism with outdoor photo exhibition

Until May 25, Élancourt is organizing an outdoor photo exhibition of around twenty members of its associations on the main roads in its territory. A way of honoring Élancourtois “associative talents” and “promoting their sporting values”, indicates the City. “Among them, volunteers, presidents, members (of all ages), referees, professional and amateur athletes, but above all: enthusiasts,” summarizes the municipality on its website. We can, among others, cite Thierry Fabre (in photo), president of the Vélo club Élancourt Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Stéphane Boilet, national referee licensed at the Judo-budo club of Élancourt, Enzo Benmegal, rugby player trained at URC78, or even Maëlys Laporte, gymnast member of GR Elancourt-Maurepas and in the running to participate in the Paris 2024 Olympics.

2024-05-16 09:42:50
#Élancourt #Photos #associative #talents #exhibited #town


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