During the operation, violators are fined on the Panama-Colón highway

Passenger buses, trucks carrying containers and with tables were detected on Wednesday night, committing violations of traffic regulations in the Panama-Colón highway, in the middle of an operation carried out by the Atlantic Coast Traffic Police.

Joel Gaitán, from the National Directorate of Transit Operations in Colón reported that a verification operation was carried out on the cargo transportation vehicles on the expressway so that they comply with all traffic regulations.

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He indicated that this seeks ensure good road safety and avoid car accidents.

In this action they placed 10 violations for inadequate lights and a fine for not putting up reflective tape.

Many drivers complain that the Highway managers must illuminate the entire route of the same to have better visibility mainly at night.

Another complaint from those who drive vehicles, is the lack of reflective tapes on heavy equipment so that traffic accidents do not occur, as a warning measure when driving.

2024-05-23 17:36:05
#operation #violators #fined #PanamaColón #highway


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