Deco Takes Control: Battling Information Leaks at Barça

“There are few people responsible for football. There is me, as sports director, Xavi; and the president above. If it doesn’t come from any of us, I don’t know where things come from…” Deco’s statement on the eve of the match against Real Sociedad seemed like a mix between regret for the leak of information about the future of Vitor Roque (he will not be in the 2024-25 squad) that SER Catalunya announced; and complaints about the numerous information that appears in the press, which in their opinion are not very rigorous.

Since landing at Barça last summer, Deco has been very jealous of any information leaks that may occur. In his opinion, as in that of his predecessor, Mateu Alemany, one of the big problems of the Barça club has to do with the famous leaks that this season have allowed, for example, reporting on an internal locker room meeting while it is still being held. was producing. “While in Madrid the information is handled by two, here everything is known,” is one of the most heard laments always behind closed doors at Can Barça.

Deco, however, gave his approval to the creation of a sports commission in which, in addition to him, there is one of his right-hand men, Bojan Krkic; two managers (Rafael Yuste, sports vice president; and Joan Soler, head of grassroots football); and Enric Masip, legend of the handball section and advisor to the presidency. Masip boasts of being one of the few who, instead of telling Laporta what he wants to hear, speaks to him crudely. Despite not being on the sports commission, it is popular at Barça that Alejandro Echevarría, the president’s former brother-in-law, also pulls the strings. Paradoxically, Echevarría not only has a good relationship with Laporta. He also has friendships with Deco and Xavi. He is not one of those identified by the Brazilian, who considers him a trustworthy person and a tomb in the matter of leaks.

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Although Deco is aware that the information cannot only be in the hands of three people, among other things because he has to meet with many agents to resolve the future of many footballers, he will try to bunkerize Barça this summer. Difficult scenario admitting that he will have to deal with media representatives like Jorge Mendes or Pini Zahavi; and prestigious and long-standing agencies such as Stellar, Bahía, AC Talent. The summer is going to put him to the test, because at the moment the sports director is giving him a long suspension. The Joãos have not worked out and Vitor Roque has confirmed, for the moment, a hasty incorporation for which he is the most responsible. The most reliable signings, Iñigo Martínez and Gündogan, are not his. Mateu Alemany and Xavi are the ones who closed them. Deco doesn’t want leaks while people ask him for facts. He’s playing it this summer.

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2024-05-15 13:58:41
#Decos #witch #hunt


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