Deadline Set by CAS for Submission of Briefs in RS Berkane Jersey Case

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne has set a deadline of June 3 for the various parties concerned by the RS Berkane jersey file to submit their briefs.

This is according to newspaper information El Watanfrom this moment the various files submitted can begin to be studied by the three arbitrators who will be appointed for this purpose.

The president of the arbitration chamber would have opted for a formula with three arbitrators instead of just one. The latter will study the memories of the three parties concerned, USM Algiers represented by the FAF, RS Berkane by the Moroccan federation as well as the African Football Confederation.

The three parties will be assisted by specialist lawyers who will plead each party’s case to the arbitrators whose decision could take several weeks or even months.


2024-05-23 18:20:44
#CAS #June


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