De la Fuente proposes calling 30 players before the Euro Cup to cover “any situation” or injuries


The Spanish men’s soccer coach, Luis de la Fuente, confirmed this Thursday that he will call up “about 30” players before his list of 26 for the imminent Euro Cup, with the aim of “covering any situation that may arise” in form of injury during the last day of each league championship.

“At first we had the idea of ​​calling 26 players, but we are going to call more. We estimate that around 30, or 29, 31… around four or five more players, to cover any situation that may arise.” generate in this last day,” declared De la Fuente during an interview with Movistar Plus+.

“They will be living with us for the entire period of the concentration. The entire group will be there until the game ends in Mallorca, living together and then those four or five players who would not be there would leave after the game, because we don’t know what can happen either. happen in Mallorca”, he alluded to the friendly on June 8 (9:30 p.m.) in Son Moix against the Northern Ireland team.

“It is a more or less common practice. This has already been repeated in previous Euro Cups and World Cups. They also have to be players with a profile, let’s say, willing to assume that role. In addition to demanding good footballers, which is the priority, I demand good colleagues, good people, generous and supportive. And I have no doubt that everyone who comes with me will accept that role without any problem,” he argued.

“Someone can be left out if, in my perception, in my experience, in my relationship or in my knowledge, I see that a footballer does not fit within what teamwork is, in a selection situation; here everyone is ‘ top’, and that ‘top’ who plays for his club regularly, with all the regularity, here he may have to be on the bench. So, if he does not accept that reality with naturalness and generosity, he could be left out,” the coach warned. Rioja.

He admitted he feels “quite calm” for the EURO. “I think we have everything purely football under control. I have an exceptional work group, we have supervised again and again and again many scenarios that could occur,” he said. “From that point of view, I am very calm. There is one thing that does worry me, which is that they are the true protagonists and the important ones in this story: they are the footballers,” he said.

“In recent weeks we have seen that there are many setbacks, many incidents in games with recent injuries, situations that mean that players who could be available are not available. And that is what really causes me a little concern. The rest is football. What’s more, I want to be involved in the dynamics of the Euro Cup,” he said regarding possible criticism.

“Isco was one of the players who had a lot of possibilities, he was in many shortlists with us. In March he would have come, but he had the misfortune of being injured and now he was in a fantastic, exceptional moment, he had a lot of possibilities. I have spoken with him, Yes, of course, and with José Luis Gayà too. What bad luck,” he lamented. “Well, that is, unfortunately, it is also football,” he added.

“The positive reading that you have to take from everything is that in football those are the hard moments and it has to make you value a lot, give more importance to the good moments. Because many times when you are in that dynamic of playing, of playing, playing, you don’t realize that the reality of football is an injury, and I’m not talking to you anymore if they are important injuries. So, that has to make you come out much stronger, more human and a much better professional,” explained De. the fountain.

“If I had had to give the list a few 26 weeks ago, I would have already given it. But seeing the situation as we are seeing, how events are developing, I believe that it is more convenient, safer and more timely than giving it today,” he claimed. “That doesn’t mean they have to prove anything, if they come it’s because they are very good,” she commented.

“Unfortunately others are not going to be able to come and they are going to have to be left off the list, or the opportunity to be with us, being also as good as these. I have to choose between three or four players per position, but If in the end you have to choose two…”, he reflected. “This weekend is key and we will see, first,” she said. “It’s key in case one of them gets injured,” she said.

“This is not about giving surprises. I have already said a long time ago that the good news was precisely that, that we have a group, a team, very well armed, well formed. That there will be players who may also say ‘what a surprise.’ … For our work group and for me it is no surprise because we have been monitoring all the players very exhaustively all year,” added the coach.

“I know the performance they are giving, for me it will not be a surprise. But it is true that some will surely be surprised. You will say that so-and-so is missing. But hey, that is part of the decision-making and it does not generate any disappointment,” he confessed. “When you make a list, what you do is contemplate many scenarios,” she warned.

“In the past, when we made a list, or as a fan, we always looked at or evaluated whether you played or not, whether you were a starter. Now, when it comes to making a list, I consider many scenarios and one of them is that a player may not have an equal many minutes in his club, but he is that player that we all recognize and that we all agree that, every time he appears for his team, he revolutionizes the games,” he said.

“There are footballers who in those scenarios we also have to contemplate, and that is why there will be those types of footballers too, who may not have as much continuity in their clubs, but for us the performance is also known to us and we sense that it can giving us is maximum,” De la Fuente continued with his explanation.

“When I came to office 18 months ago, I said that my idea of ​​football is to see a very versatile team. I think we had tried to do it in other categories in which I have had the opportunity to train and I like football in many variations. It is It’s true that I like the purest wingers, playing with wingers, with a lot of width, depth, getting to the area with fewer touches, more quickly, that’s the theory,” he said.

“Yes, it is true that we send it as a message. Then the reality of football and the games sometimes take you one way or the other. As a general concept, I think the players have a very clear idea, I think we have developed it especially in I think the qualification phase has been brilliant and, above all, giving a very good image and an idea of ​​what we want to achieve, trying to get the most out of footballers of different profiles,” he highlighted.

“Extraordinary associative football. I believe that we can, I insist, propose different ways of developing a plan A and a plan B. And far from the system, I am not a hostage to any system. I believe that the important thing is the idea, it is the concept. I think that what is truly important has a place in any system,” concluded the ‘Red’ coach.

2024-05-23 21:06:02
#Fuente #proposes #calling #players #Euro #Cup #cover #situation #injuries


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