Dadonville Hosts Exhibition on Olympic Games with Special Guests

Dadonville. Discovering the Olympic Games. In this year of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in France, the CCDP (community of communes of Pithiverais) organized an exhibition at the Dadonville gymnasium on Friday.

It is in the presence of Stéphane Goudou, Pithiverian by birth, Paralympic tennis athlete, Bruno Konczylo, semi-finalist in the 800 meters at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, and Sabrina Cornayre, French wheelchair badminton champion, how this day took place.

Nearly nine hundred college students listening

The morning and afternoon allowed eight hundred and fifty middle school students to come and discover the exhibition loaned by the regional Olympic committee retracing the history of the games, from Athens, in 1896, to Tokyo, in 2020. Enriching exhibition with the number of French athletes entered, the best performances achieved in each discipline and medals obtained.

The second part of the visit took place in the form of questions and answers, the athletes provided as many answers as possible to the interlocutors. Stéphane Goudou is currently the fifteenth world player in singles and eighth in doubles. It is not by chance that he got there, but through hard work, training and without counting the hours of fatigue and sometimes the desire to give up.

Same thing for Bruno Konczylo, who, in the 1990s, had to combine work and training, no less than 70 hours accumulated per week. At that time, athletes were not supported by any federation, which means the costs incurred for travel to compete, especially abroad.

This is the current concern of Sabrina Cornayre, who, in addition to being French champion in her discipline, must accumulate good results in European and international competitions in order to be able to participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 2028.

If the two Olympic athletes have stopped competing, they continue to work in the sporting field and to transmit as best as possible the values ​​they received in high-level sporting practice. A third session took place in the evening, intended for the general public.

2024-05-21 06:51:52
#Discovering #world #Olympics


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