Cycling holiday: everything you need to decide before leaving

Cycling holiday: everything you need to decide before leaving

And so you wanted a cycling holiday. You are not alone: ​​together with long-term cycle tourists, in fact, they are many people are approaching this type of slow tourism and they think of summer as the right time for their first bike trip. But obviously there can be many doubts, from the main one – will I make it? – to the more practical and organizational ones.

Cycling holiday: everything you need to decide before leaving

And then let’s see checklist of questions to ask yourself and things to look out for before deciding that yes, a cycling holiday is just right for you, and yes, the time has come to get on the saddle and go.

Alone or in company?

There are many practical, psychological and motivational reasons for leaving alone just as there are just as many for leaving in company. And in company it can mean as a couple as well as in a group, whether large or small. As with any trip, in a group or as a couple you need to be close-knit. Close-knit from every point of view: and when it comes to bike travel it also means having more or less the same skills, or training, if you prefer. However, the advantage of traveling by bicycle as a couple or in a group is that you can help each other, practically (for example one goes to do the shopping in a shop and the other takes care of the bikes…) and morally. As well as splitting the weights of some equipment needed by both (repair kit, food, etc.).
Alone obviously means rely only on yourself and your abilitiesboth from a practical and motivational point of view: if you get a crisp, a blister, sunstroke or a puncture you have to deal with it yourself.

Independently or organized trip?

the cycling holiday is independent. But they are also there tour operators who organize bike trips from a few days to a week and beyond. And if you have more than a few doubts about whether or not you can make it on a trip on two wheels, relying on an organized trip at least for the first time can be a good solution to test yourself with a “safety net”.

It’s a good way to understand what to bring and what to leave at home, how to manage distances but above all differences in heighthow to learn to eat and drink so as not to be surprised by the cuddler, which bags to take, how to fill them and how to organize your luggage (there are also tour operators who transport it from stage to stage allowing you to pedal lightly), and so on.

A real trip or a cycling holiday?

They seem synonymous but they are not.
A bike trip means starting from point A and arriving at point B by making intermediate stages. It therefore means finding a way to get to the starting point of your itinerary, organizing and booking intermediate overnight stays in advance, checking that along the itineraries there are opportunities to eat and stock up on water and possible cycle repair shops for some quick repairs, and also knowing how to return from the point of arrival to your home.
A cycling holiday means choose a destination with a high vocation for cycling tourism, find accommodation that acts as a fixed base, and organize a different excursion every day. It can be a good way to understand if yes, the bike is beautiful and I would ride it every day or not, the bike trip is fine but not every day for a whole week. Because pedaling calls for pedaling, but that doesn’t mean it’s so exciting for everyone.

Rented or bought bike?

Buying a bike is not like ordering a pizza. There are many aspects to take into account and the more you delve into them, the more you discover. So if you already have your trusty bike, get on the saddle and go, but if not, carefully evaluate the rental option: it might seem like money was badly spent, but in fact it’s quite the opposite because it’s an opportunity to “work your calluses off” on the saddle and understand what works for you and what doesn’t.

Tent the hotel?

We all dream of cycling in a magnificent natural environment, spotting an enchanting corner and stopping by placing our tent on the shore of a lake and spending the night. But it’s one thing to dream about it and another organize yourself well to do it. Bike hotels are in a real boom, with specialized services for cycle travelers ranging from washing clothes to a bike garage and even a small workshop for a quick set-up before setting off again. Traveling by bike with a tent is a completely different world, because it means having (a little) extra weight to carry around, it means organizing yourself to keep the bike safe during the night, having a minimum kit with you repairs, maybe even think about how to cook a hot dinner if you decide to camp out somewhere… In short, there are significant differences between the two “accommodations”.

READ ALSO: First bike trip: 10 practical tips to organize it smoothly


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2024-05-17 07:55:52
#Cycling #holiday #decide #leaving


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