Craziness! Austria gains five goals and loses

With a crazy comeback, Austria really annoyed gold candidate Canada at the Ice Hockey World Cup, but in the end it wasn’t enough for the outsider to win.

The team from the Alpine republic was 1:6 behind before the final third in Prague, then things went fast. Benjamin Baumgartner (44th), Peter Schneider (45th/56th), Dominic Zwerger (51st) and Marco Rossi (60th) made it 6:6 and forced extra time. After just 15 seconds in overtime, John Tavares shot defending champion Canada to victory.

“This will be a lesson for us,” said Tavares after the NHL Cracks’ 7:6 (3:1, 3:0, 0:5, 1:0) win. The Austrians wavered between pride and disappointment. “We picked up momentum in the third period, were on it as a team and the pucks came in. I’m really happy for the boys, I’m really proud,” said double goal scorer Schneider: “It’s a shame that we couldn’t win the game. “

Canada dropped the first point in Group A, but remains unbeaten in the lead after three games ahead of Switzerland (both 8) and Finland (7). After winning points, Austria (1) is second to last ahead of Great Britain (0).

Ice Hockey World Cup: DEB opponent Latvia is picking up speed

The next German opponent at the Ice Hockey World Championships in the Czech Republic is gradually gaining momentum. Last year’s World Cup third place Latvia celebrated their third victory with a 2-0 (0-0, 2-0, 0-0) win against Kazakhstan in the third game – but only for the first time in regular time.

Last year’s World Cup third place Latvia celebrated their third victory with a 2-0 (0-0, 2-0, 0-0) win against Kazakhstan in the third game – but only for the first time in regular time.

Roberts Bukarts (32nd) and Haralds Egle (36th) scored the goals for the Balts, who will meet national coach Harold Kreis’ team in Ostrava on Wednesday (4:20 p.m./Pro7 and MagentaSport). Goalie Kristers Gudlevskies from German runner-up Fischtown Pinguins Bremerhaven didn’t concede a goal.

In Group A in Prague, Norway recorded their first three points in the fight to stay in the league with a 2-0 (0-0, 2-0, 0-0) win against Denmark. Düsseldorf’s Henrik Haukeland fended off all 24 shots.

2024-05-15 02:11:42
#Craziness #Austria #gains #goals #loses


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