Corentin Moutet after his victory against Nicolas Jarry at Roland-Garros: “I was really calm”

“Was it the goal to take Simonne-Mathieu with you to this match?
This is the goal every year, when we are French and we play foreigners. There are often fiery atmospheres, we could see it during the qualifiers. They did the job and it was really nice to experience. There was a great atmosphere and I really had a lot of fun.

You had already played in Chile, at his home, this year. Did this match count this Sunday evening?
Even without this match, I still believe in my chances. This is why I train all year round. His ranking is much better than mine today, but that’s not why I don’t believe it. I was really calm. I had already beaten him not that long ago, at his place no less. I told myself that at home, I could really do it.

Haven’t you found the public sometimes a bit disrespectful towards Jarry?
This is very subjective. I don’t know. I’m not for disrespect. To say it was disrespectful is a bit inappropriate. They were behind me, but they still applauded him when he entered the field. In Chile, I was booed as soon as I entered, from the first to the last point. There is always a line between respect and support. For me, tonight, that’s not disrespect.

“The start of the fourth set was hot, but I hurt him more with my forehand, I varied more and I played very well in this fourth”

There was a little more delicate passage in the third set. Is it your perhaps too defensive game that puts him back in the saddle at that moment?
Yes, I was perhaps more defensive, but he was especially more aggressive. He played a lot longer, he put pressure on me on the return. It was complicated. He played very well, served well, he had a very good third set.

How did you manage to bring it back into your channels in the fourth set?
The goal was first to keep my serve in the fourth set and try to be a little more aggressive, play longer to prevent him from playing as well as in the third. The start of the fourth set was hot, but I hurt him more with my forehand, I varied more and I played very well in this fourth. This may have been my best set of the match.

For Doumbè (MMA fighter, whose response Moutet took on the microphone, in the center of the field: “Hey, what did I tell you? Is no one who can test me, bro”)?
For Doumbè, no. I don’t plan much, I’m not into this whole role-playing thing. It was funny. there was my family, my friends. I think we need to bring a little lightness back into all of this as well. »


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