Copa Ovalle 2024 Badminton Tournament: A Success Among Athletes from Northern and Central Chile

With the participation of more than one hundred athletes from the northern and central areas of the country, the fourth version of the Copa Ovalle 2024 badminton tournament was held, which was held for three days at the Ángel Marentis Rallín Sports Center in the province of Limarí.

The tournament organized by the Limarí Badminton Club brought together athletes from Antofagasta, Tacna (Peru), La Serena, Concón, Quilpué, Valparaíso, Santiago and the Ovallian hosts themselves. The players competed in three modalities; singles, doubles and mixed doubles; and in eight categories, from under 11 to adults divided into three levels according to their performance.

The contest is consolidated as the most important badminton tournament in the Coquimbo region, hosting a hundred athletes from the north and center of Chile and performing at a high level in this sporting discipline, which is not one of the most popular. in the country, but it shows that year after year more boys, girls, young people and adults practice it competitively and recreationally.

“We are very happy with the turnout we had for the tournament, and that means that year after year the participants like this tournament, they come back and it grows. In addition, it motivates what surrounds the tournament, such as the opening ceremony, the attention, the camaraderie dinner for all the delegations, allowing all participants to return to participate. We also had some problems with the programming, but we hope to continue improving for future tournaments,” commented Francisco Rojas, coach and president of the Limarí Badminton Club of Ovalle.

For their part, the delegations were satisfied with the holding of the badminton tournament. One of them was Hajime Sanguinetti, coach of the Valparaíso Badminton Club, who commented that “badminton is massive in Curacautín, in the south of the country, and in Antofagasta, so the central area was a bit orphan of this type of competitions. . We have had a revolution to strengthen badminton in different areas of the country, and this is a very important tournament. We know how difficult it is to organize a tournament, and we understand the shortcomings there may be, but that is nothing compared to all the benefits and efforts of the organization, since it is a titanic effort. “We will always be supporting this tournament.”

In the sporting field, Sanguinetti said that “we have been consolidating players step by step, managing to level the achievement of medals and sporting successes, but not only in obtaining medals, success for me is not only obtaining medals (… ) I take this opportunity to congratulate my players for their participation,” he added.


As for the results, in the team table, first place went to Club de Bádminton Antofagasta, followed by Valparaíso and Santiago, while Club de Bádminton Limarí de Ovalle finished in fourth place.

While in the individual categories, the winners of the adult category “A” were Martín Olmos from Antofagasta and Andrea Montero from Concón, each in individual categories. In the adult “B” category the winners were Matthieu Willard from Ovalle and Rafaela Lacerda from Valparaíso; while in category “C” the winners were Danilo Vásquez from Valparaíso and Carola Moya from Santiago.

In the children and youth categories, the individual winners were the following: sub 11 Jerónimo Cardona and Antonia Cardona, both from Antofagasta; in sub 13 Fabián Díaz from Antofagasta; in sub 15 Gabriel Pone from Violeta Farías, both from Antofagasta; in sub 17 Martín Olmos from Antofagasta; and in sub 19 Guianlucca Sanguinetti from Valparaíso.

2024-05-17 05:36:34
#Copa #Ovalle #badminton #tournament #brings #athletes


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