Controversies Surrounding Camila Giorgi: Allegations and Disappearance

There are several allegations against Camila Giorgi.


Former Italian top player Camila Giorgi has been in the negative headlines for days. Now a former landlord has also spoken out and made serious allegations.

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  • The Italian Camila Giorgi recently secretly ended her tennis career.
  • The 32-year-old initially disappeared without a trace. She is said to have high tax debts and a fake vaccination certificate. She defended herself against the allegations.
  • Now a former landlord has also come forward and made serious allegations against Giorgi and her family. It involves theft and unpaid monthly rent.

After her last match at the Masters tournament in Miami, Camila Giorgi suddenly disappeared from the scene. The website “International Tennis Integrity Agency” lists Giorgi as a retired player. The retirement is dated May 7. Curiously, there was initially no official statement from the player.

The former world number 26 cannot be reached and her telephone number is inactive. Her father, mother and brother’s telephones are also switched off. Allegations of tax evasion, involving an amount equivalent to over half a million Swiss francs, are circulating. Giorgi is also said to be in possession of a fake vaccination certificate.

But then the 32-year-old announced her resignation via Instagram and denied all allegations: “I ask that you follow my Instagram page for truthful information, because so far many fake articles have appeared.” Where Giorgi and her family are staying remains unanswered. It is assumed that they are in the USA.

Did Giorgi clear out a rented villa?

As if all that wasn’t enough, a former landlord of Camila and her father Sergio Giorgi has also spoken out recently. Neighbours told him that the Giorgis were moving out of their villa in Tuscany, he said in the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica”. “It was a shock. When I arrived, no one was there and the house was half empty. They took half of our furniture. Persian carpets, fine pieces and even an antique table that weighed half a ton.”

In addition, the family still owes him six months’ rent, and the owner estimates the material damage at around 50,000 to 100,000 euros. “We thought we were safe because we had rented the house to a well-known person, an athlete of international stature. But things couldn’t have been worse.”

He has so far refrained from filing a complaint because he did not want to waste any more resources. However, he did try to get the father to return the furniture. A sobering attempt. “I wrote to him, but he replied disparagingly that the items were worthless,” the owner is quoted as saying.

Giorgi’s greatest success

Giorgi’s greatest success as a tennis player was winning the Masters tournament in Miami in 2021. In 2018, the former number 26 in the world reached the quarterfinals at Wimbledon. She was coached for years by her father, who caused one or two scandals. At the time of her retirement, Giorgi, who also works as a model, was ranked 123rd.

2024-05-24 09:39:17
#Villa #looted #mystery #surrounding #tennis #star #Camila #Giorgi #mysterious


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