Consumer Health Protection in Focus: Highlights from the Annual Food Monitoring Report

Consumer health protection has a high priority in the country and consumers can rely on the high level. Consumer Protection Minister Peter Hauk emphasized this when presenting the annual food monitoring report for 2022. “Consumers rightly expect that the food and everyday items they purchase are independent of their origin or …

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As part of a celebratory awards ceremony on July 21, 2023, seventeen students from the Göppingen district received local and state awards for participation in the 70th European competition. The award ceremony was carried out by the first state official Jochen Heinz on behalf of District Administrator Edgar Wolff in cooperation with the Europa-Union Göppingen eV Exactly 68,669 students nationwide took part…

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“The food monitoring report published by Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk can spoil your appetite for some conventionally produced fruit: an entire pesticide cocktail was detected in 92 to 98 percent of the samples of stone, pome and berry fruit from conventional agriculture examined in 2022. This is the worrying result of food monitoring by the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Offices (CVUA). …

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The harvest time for apples, pears and plums is almost upon us and the meadow managers are looking forward to the reward of their work, because meadow care, tree pruning, replanting and mowing are fun, but also very time-consuming. But unfortunately it can be seen again and again that others – in the truest sense – enjoy the fruits of this work and do so without permission and…

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Last week, the timber construction work began for the four-group kindergarten on site in Tälesweg. The entire construction project will take about a year before the new kindergarten is expected to go into operation in October 2024. 98 children between the ages of three and six will have plenty of space to run around and play. Last week in Tälesweg…

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At a construction site on Eugen-Bolz-Straße, around 100m of copper cable was cut off and stolen between midnight and 9 a.m. on Monday. The Schwäbisch Gmünd police station will receive information about the theft on 07171/3580. PM Aalen Police Headquarters

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The Göppingen district and ALB FILS KLINIKEN GmbH are starting to approach the market for the future use of today’s Helfenstein Clinic. We are looking for tenants and anchor users for the Helfenstein Health Center, which will have a new name from 2024. The area offers a variety of open spaces for the design of practice, laboratory and therapy areas, care facilities or other medical, …

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On Wednesday (July 19th) the chief physician of child and adolescent psychiatry at Christophsbad in Göppingen, Dr. med. Markus Löble, together with a team of 21 employees, visited the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg at the invitation of state parliament member Ayla Cataltepe (GREEN). As part of the visit, the group attended the ongoing plenary session in the heart chamber of democracy for an hour. She …

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The festival attracted several thousand visitors to Geislingen. From a police perspective, the hock was largely positive. Based on past experiences, the police and city resorted to the tried and tested security concept. The Geislingen police received support from their colleagues at the police headquarters and surrounding districts. The police recorded occasional alcohol-related disturbances and arguments. …

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This year’s Tour de Kreisle, a charity event in aid of the hospice in Faurndau, will take place from July 24th to 28th, 2023. On the first day, around 60 participants made a stopover at the Filstal energy supply (EVF) in Göppingen. On this occasion, Dr. Martin Bernhart, managing director of the EVF, handed over a generous donation check for…

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2024-05-16 14:53:07
#Filstalexpress #Annual #report #food #monitoring


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