Conmebol introduces concussion substitutions for Copa América teams

Teams competing in next month’s Copa América will have the option of making an additional substitution in the event of concussion or suspected head trauma, Conmebol, South American football’s governing body, said on Tuesday.

The change in rules will also apply to other tournaments organized by the entity after the start of the Copa América, which runs from June 20 to July 14 and will be held in the United States.

“In addition to the five changes per team authorized by regulations, a potential sixth change will be added to take care of players’ health,” Conmebol said in a statement.

“This is an extra substitution in the event of a suspected head injury or concussion. For this, the main referee or fourth official must be informed and a pink card will be used.”

Several institutions working on head injuries have called for the use of concussion substitutions in football, with the International Football Association Board (IFAB) enshrining them in football law in March but leaving implementation open to organizers of individual competitions.

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2024-05-22 12:51:00
#Copa #América #teams #concussion #substitutions


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