Clashes before OL-PSG: the Parisian club condemns the incidents

Clashes before OL-PSG: the Parisian club condemns the incidents

Twenty-four hours after the events that occurred before the Coupe de France final between OL and PSG (1-2), the capital club expressed its disapproval on Sunday in a press release. “Paris Saint-Germain condemns in the strongest possible terms the incidents that have occurred between supporters,” we can read in this document in which support is expressed for “the 20 injured Parisians, three of whom are currently hospitalized, as well as for the staff of the TOLL “.

Clashes between Lyon and Paris supporters took place at the Fresnes-lès-Montauban toll station (Pas-de-Calais), around 6 p.m. A Lyon bus was burned after smoke bombs were thrown. “I was able to see the violence of a certain number of pseudo supporters, who go to the match with hoods and belts,” said the president of the FFF Philippe Diallo. on RMC. “I regret and I condemn what happened,” he continued. I am pleased that there were around ten arrests. »

An open investigation

“The club would like to point out that its supporters on this occasion scrupulously respected the travel arrangements of the prefectural decree before being attacked,” indicates PSG. According to the account given by the prefect of the North, the Parisians in fact arrived at the indicated time at this toll, when the Rhodanians disembarked late.

“For reasons yet to be determined, the police escort decided to pass seven Lyon buses among the eighteen Parisian buses gathered at the Fresnes toll booth, while for two months, all stakeholders had been working on the separation of the flow,” OL said in a press release published earlier in the afternoon.

“Following this obvious error of direction, violence broke out without the origin being clearly established. (…) Several OL supporters were injured, notably by armed PSG supporters. » The match was considered very high risk by the National Division for the Fight against Hooliganism (DNLH). A judicial investigation was opened by the Northern prefecture to shed light on the unfolding of the incidents.


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