Christian Groß to Join Bayer Leverkusen Scouting Department: A Surprising Move from Werder Bremen Star

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    This is a big surprise! After retiring from Werder Bremen, Christian Groß is moving to the scouting department at Bayer Leverkusen! © gumzmedia

    Bremen – This is a big surprise: Christian Groß is moving from SV Werder Bremen to the new German champions Bayer Leverkusen – but not as a professional. The 35-year-old will end his career at the end of the season as planned, then take a longer family vacation and work as a scout in Bayer Leverkusen’s licensing area in the new season. This is reported by the “Bild” newspaper.

    Christian Gross had Werder Bremen recently announced that he would not accept the offer for a follow-up contract. “I decided on a different option because I see another chance for myself to see something new – which is what I now need as a personality to get out,” Werder’s defensive specialist recently reported to “kicker” and revealed: “For I will continue to work at another club in a different role from September.”

    Now his goal is known: Bayer Leverkusen. The scouting area is not new territory for Christian Groß. As a player for the U23 SV Werder Bremen he completed a one-year internship in the scouting department. Apparently he liked the work so much that he joined Bayer Leverkusen would like to continue.

    Werder Bremen’s Clemens Fritz about Christian Groß: “I can understand his decision”

    At Werder Bremen would have Christian Gross can go through a trainee program with different stations, as some deserving ex-professionals have already done, in order to get to know the club even better and explore the right role for the career after their career. Clemens Fritz This is how he began his official career, which will make him the next Werder sports director in the summer. But Groß plans differently.

    “I can understand his decision,” explained Clemens Fritz opposite the DeichStube and suggested that there is also a way back: “I don’t know what will happen in two, three, four years. We have a very open and honest relationship, so I don’t want to rule anything out,” said Fritz. A lot is possible in football. What perfect too Christian Gross fits, who only played his first Bundesliga game at the age of 30. 81 more have followed so far, plus 27 games in the 2nd league. “For us, Grosso was an important character on and off the pitch,” said Fritz: “He is a prime example of the fact that it is never too late to develop further. I always had a good feeling when he was on the pitch. His career is truly remarkable.” On Saturday (3:30 p.m./DeichStube live ticker) Groß will be at the home game of SV Werder Bremen against VfL Bochum was officially adopted. (kni/mwi)

    2024-05-13 19:46:41
    #Surprise #Werder #Bremens #Christian #Groß #moving #Bayer #Leverkusen


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