Chengdu Citizens Compete with National Badminton Champions to Showcase Skills

Original title: National badminton champions compete with Chengdu citizens to discuss skills

A few days ago, the 2024 Thomas and Uber Cup in Chengdu came to a perfect conclusion in Chengdu. The Chinese badminton team once again won the double championship after 12 years, and Chengdu gained a new title-the “Double Crown City” of badminton.

In order to convey the spirit of sports and realize the empowerment of competitions, on May 16, Chengdu High-tech Zone held an event for national badminton champions to enter the community and campus.

In the afternoon, national badminton champions Weng Hongyang, He Jiting, Ren Xiangyu, Chen Yufei, Zheng Yu, Zhang Shuxian and others came to Jiaozi Music Square. “Whenever a badminton event registration notice is released, citizens and students actively sign up, and badminton is becoming increasingly popular.” In front of the Chengdu 2024 Thomas and Uber Cup cultural wall, the staff introduced the super popularity of the Chengdu badminton series to the national badminton champions. . The hosting of the Thomas and Uber Cup has ignited citizens’ enthusiasm for badminton. More and more citizens are participating in badminton. The champions can’t help but praise the masses’ enthusiasm for sports.

At the scene, national badminton champions participated in fun games with citizens, experienced VR badminton and somatosensory badminton machines, competed with citizens on their skills, and were also presented with signed jerseys. A resident from Shiyang Street said excitedly: “I just had a great time playing games, playing friendly matches and taking photos with the national badminton champions. I wish them better and better in their future careers! They will get better and better!”

During the day’s activities, the national badminton champions also went to the School Affiliated to the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences to interact with teachers and students at the school. They taught on-site, taught badminton hitting skills and training methods, conducted badminton knowledge questions and answers, and presented signed badmintons to the students.

“It is a rare opportunity to compete face-to-face with the national badminton champions. We not only learned the skills of badminton, but more importantly, we also understood the connotation of the champion spirit – always maintain courage when facing difficulties.” Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences Guo Haoxi, a class 2 student in the first grade of the affiliated school, said.

The reporter learned that in the next step, Chengdu High-tech Zone will continue to use the influence of the Thomas and Uber Cup to expand the scale of the badminton series, attract more high-level players to participate, improve the professionalism and viewing of the events, and create a regionally featured event. Sports culture brand promotes high-quality development of cultural and sports undertakings.

(Chengdu Daily Jinguan News reporter Wu Yifei)

(Editors: Luo Yu, Zhang Huawei)

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2024-05-17 01:44:52
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