Cenace estimates producing enough electricity and avoiding blackouts this weekend – El Sol de México

Cenace estimates producing enough electricity and avoiding blackouts this weekend – El Sol de México

The National Energy Control Center (Cenace) reported that during this weekend it is expected that electricity generation will remain at a level higher than what is needed in order to avoid more blackouts in the country.

This week, between Tuesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 9, massive blackouts were recorded in different states of the country. On May 7, power outages occurred in at least 18 states; In subsequent days, the impact was less.

According to Cenace, the blackouts were caused because the demand for electrical energy exceeded the production limit, which led to declarations of emergency and therefore “it was required to interrupt the supply of electrical energy on a rotating basis.”

Yesterday, the National Electrical System registered a maximum demand of 47,234 megawatts (MW) and unlike the previous days, there were enough power plants operating normally and generating a greater amount of electrical energy than required, so the supply of Electricity was continuous and safe.

“This condition is expected to remain today, Saturday, May 11, and tomorrow, Sunday, May 12,” Cenace published.

After three consecutive days of blackouts, on Friday morning a new alert was activated in the state of operation of the National Electric System, meaning that the consumption of electrical energy approached maximum production. However, since production was not exceeded, there was no need to issue a state of emergency and therefore, there were no blackouts.

“This preventive measure did not imply restrictions on the electric energy service (…) This alert is limited only to the Huasteca area (northeast operational region), due to the failure of a private generator to operate,” Cenace said.

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The agency stressed that the declaration of operational alert states occurs only as a preventive measure and “indicates possible operational risks that arise on a daily basis.”

2024-05-11 22:50:16
#Cenace #estimates #producing #electricity #avoiding #blackouts #weekend #Sol #México


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