Celebrating Mother’s Day in Ventimiglia: A Theatrical Success with a Touch of Fun and Reflection

Ventimiglia. Excellent result and large turnout of the public who participated enthusiastically, in the upper town of Ventimiglia, in the traveling performance of “Teatro delle 10”, proposed on the occasion of the Mother’s Day and which had the figure of the mother as its subject.

The theater company was masterful and decidedly ironic and fun in representing the various types of mothers: the “hen” mother, the “father” mother, the witty “exhausted” mother, the “organized” mother…

In its simplicity, the show staged also had a touching echo when the women/mothers present recognized themselves, laughing about it, in one of the types jokingly represented.

The show divided into 4 stages alternated with fitness moments from the Sport Active Blufit and Happiness gyms. At the same time, the opportunity allowed us to discover corners of the historic center and admire its beauty.

Added to all this were two interesting interventions by the psychologist and psychotherapist, Dr. Tecla Magliano of the NOI4YOU Association, who discussed the topic of “preadolescence” and how to deal with this delicate period that every child goes through.

look at all the photos


Ventimiglia, Mother’s Day of the NOI4YOU association

The event concluded with the last stage and buffet on the splendid terrace of the Forte dell’Annunziata. For this concession, thanks go to Dr. Daniela Gandolfi, director of MAR, for hosting the final part of the event in such an evocative place.
A heartfelt message to the Municipal Administration of Ventimiglia and to the equal opportunities councilor Dr. Milena Raco for promoting the event.

2024-05-13 20:49:09
#Ventimiglia #Mothers #Day #NOI4YOU #association


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