Celebrating Basketball: IV International Basketball Week in Hinojosa del Duque and Los Pedroches

The Hinojosa del Duque City Council has hosted the presentation of the IV International Basketball Week, that will be experienced in the town and in other municipalities of Los Pedroches and Guadiato among the May 21 and 24 of 2024.

The mayor of Hinojosa del Duque, Matías González, was present at the presentation ceremony, along with councilors Enrique Delgado and Lola Martínez. Representatives of the Evangelical Church of Hinojosa del Duque have also attended.

In his speech, Matías González explained that it is “a reason for celebration to reach the fourth edition of a sporting activity that continues to grow year after year, something demonstrated by the large number of municipalities in the north of Córdoba where activities related to basketball will be carried out. ”.

The first mayor of Hinojosa has also highlighted the importance of “having one more year with the University of Minnesota”, for which a reception will be prepared at the Hinojosa del Duque City Hall next week.

For his part, the Councilor for Sports, Enrique Delgado, congratulated himself “for being able to enjoy a new International Basketball Week in Hinojosa del Duque”, which is made up “of a large number of events, especially focused on the smallest and that we will be able to share with people from all over the region and also from Guadiato.”

The event will begin on Tuesday the 21st with a friendly match in Pozoblanco between CB Pozoblanco and the University of Minnesota. On Wednesday the 22nd there will be a friendly between CP Peñarroya and UNV, in Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo. And on Thursday, May 23, there will be three events at the Hinojosa Municipal Sports Center, with confrontations between CP Peñarroya, CB Pozoblanco and UNW.

In addition, between May 21 and 24 there will also be activities in different schools in the north of Córdoba, touring the municipalities of El Viso, Dos Torres, Pozoblanco, Belalcázar, Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo and, of course, Hinojosa del Duque. In addition, on May 24 there will be an activity at the CEIP Nuestra Señora de la Consolación de Monterrubio.


Featured events in Los Pedroches

2024-05-17 19:03:30
#Hinojosa #del #Duque #prepares #experience #International #Basketball #Week


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