Carolina Marín’s candid interview on “The Resistance” raises eyebrows and sparks social media debate

Carolina Marín She was David Broncano’s guest at The resistance this Thursday. The badminton player showed herself as she is during the relaxed interview conducted by the presenter of the program and she responded without mincing words to the classic questions about money in the bank and sex during the last month. What she said about the latter has surprised many on social networks, where her words are causing quite a bit of talk.

«Let’s see, I’ll tell you, I’ve had a crisis. “So, now the bad thing,” admitted the guest about her relationship with the athlete Gen Esteban, who is not going through the best moment for her according to what the Spanish athlete herself told. “Has there been a sentimental crisis?” Broncano asked. “Yes,” said Carolina Marín lamenting. “I’m fine, it’s been a week,” added the badminton player. “Since there was a crisis, I have calculated little to calculate, I answer you: 3-4 points,” revealed about his sexual relations in the last month.

Just before he had to talk about money and Carolina Marín He calculated what he had in the bank when David Broncano reminded him that the invested assets also counted. “Holy shit, well then yes, I have my money very well invested, or so I think,” acknowledged the Olympic champion, who revealed that she had deposited a large part of her assets in the real estate sector. «Between what I have invested and what I have, between two and three million”, the athlete commented honestly.

Carolina Marín and her career

A few days ago the jury of the Princess of Asturias Sports Awards chose Carolina Marín, the Olympic badminton champion, as the winner of the 2024 edition “for her extraordinary track record in badminton, a sport in which she has become an international benchmark.” The award ceremony will take place in October, as usual, at the Campoamor Theater in Oviedo, in the presence of the King Felipe VI y Mrs. Letiziaas well as the Princess Eleanor It will be the latter, in fact, who will present the award to the Huelva native.

2024-05-17 08:33:26
#Carolina #Marín #answers #question #sex #Resistencia


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