Carolina Marín Visits “The Resistance” to Share Achievements and Goals

The Huelva native visits David Broncano’s program for the third time to share her achievements and upcoming goals.

Carolina Marín will be on the small screen tonight. The Huelva volantista visits this Thursday The resistancethe program of David Broncano which is broadcast in Movistar+. Carolinawhich just a week ago received the Princess of Asturias Award of the Sports, He will have fun with Broncano and his companions.

This will be the third time that the Huelva native visits the well-known program. She already did it in 2018 and, the last time in 2021, when she went to present her book “I can because I think I can” and she did it on crutches, since she was in the process of recovery from his second knee injury.

Missed from the Tokyo 2020 Olympics due to a knee injury, her record also includes the gold medal at the European Games.

Princess of Asturias Sports Award 2024

The badminton player Carolina Marín, Olympic champion, three-time world champion and seven-time European champion, fue distinguished this Wednesday with the Princess of Asturias Sports Award 2024. Marín was proclaimed Olympic champion in Rio 2016, and won the world title three times (2014, 2015 and 2018), and the European title seven times, the last of them last April in Germany.

Marín, whose candidacy was proposed by the general director of Casa Asia, Javier Parrondo, and who takes over for this award from the Kenyan athlete Eliud Kipchoge, two-time Olympic marathon champion, She made history in 2014 by becoming the first non-Asian player to enter the badminton World Cup top ten..

Example of overcoming and transmitting values

Added to these sporting merits is that the player is “an example of overcoming and transmitting values, on and off the track”. Carolina Marín has established herself as one of the most important figures in Spanish and world sports, and her visit to La Resistencia is a recognition of her career and achievements.

Tonight’s show promises to be a special occasion. Where Carolina Marín will share anecdotes, she will talk about her recent achievements. She will even reflect on her career and her upcoming goals, including her preparation for the Paris Olympics.

2024-05-16 19:00:52
#Carolina #Marín #guest #Resistencia


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