Carlos Correa Making Waves as Top Puerto Rican Shortstop in MLB

Puerto Rican shortstops have set the tone in the last decade, with several exponents who have stood out. Among them we can name Javier Baez, Francisco Lindor and of course Carlos Correawho shines with Minnesota Twins.

The Puerto Rican already has six seasons with at least 20 home runs. In 2023 he stayed close to that figure, with 18 homers and already in the current season of Major League Baseball (MLB), has a pair in 21 games. The last of them two games ago, against Seattle Mariners.

That offensive streak continued in the first game of the series against Toronto Blue Jays with two hits in four at-bats. This is how, this Saturday, May 11, he jumped back into the field of Rogers Centreto continue being fired up and productive with the wood.

Carlos Correa close to surpassing a historic Puerto Rican player in MLB

Placing fifth in the order, Carlos Correa He hit in a compromising situation at the top of the first inning, with a man at first and second. Furthermore, there were two outs on the board and the score was 1-2 against the right-hander. Kevin Gausman. But on the fourth pitch, the shortstop was able to hit a fastball down the middle at 98.3 miles per hour.

His connection sailed into center field at 242 feet. This was enough distance for his teammate to score in the race. Edward Julien from second base. With that hit, he started a rally, well Minnesota managed to score two more thanks to a single by Alex Kirillofwith which also Correa He went through the register to put in the partial 3×0.

2024-05-12 11:20:44
#Carlos #Correa #STARTED #Minnesota #Twins #rally #VIDEO


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