Caravaca decorates the motorcycles and box of Martín’s team in Montmeló – La Provincia

He World Cup MotoGP not only thinks about racing, about passion, about vertigo, about speed, about the spectacle on the track but also off it. And, today, in the Circuit of Cataloniain Montmelówhere throughout the weekend the Catalunya motorcycle Grand Prixby the way, the first great event that bore the name of the country, an event worthy of mention has occurred because the ‘team’ Prima Pramacthe fashionable group at the moment in the two-wheeled contest, has celebrated the renewal of its sponsorship contract, with the signing Prima Insurancein a very original way, by inviting the Spanish artist Miguel Caravaca to decorate their motorcycles and the walls of their workshop.

The team of Italian Paolo Campinoti has given a beautiful and original coup de effect on the first day of activity in the Circuit and has shown the walls and the motorcycles painted with the designs, the paintings, the original portraits of many of the team members to anyone who wanted to see them and, the truth is that the overall image of boxing is really impressive, well, different.

Three portraits, of three members of the Prima Pramac team, made by Miguel Caravaca, in the team box in Montmeló / PRIMA PRAMAC RACING MEDIA

“It is an honor for us to celebrate the renewal of the sponsorship contract with this very original, colorful and fun decoration that Caravaca has offered us,” Campinoti told El Periódico, proud that his organization can suddenly change the image of the team, which already wore, in the first races of this year, a super modern and very fun ‘look’, totally different from last year.

Caravaca, who was present at the opening of the box, is an artist with urban, cubist and pop influences, and has shown his enthusiasm for creating a work, whose support is totally different from what he usually does. “I thank Caravaca,” commented Campinoti, “for knowing how to represent the authentic values ​​of our team and, above all, the personality of all the members of the team. The truth is that the image could not be more creative, original and attractive”.

So much Jorge Martinprominent leader of MotoGP World Championshipwith 38 points ahead of the two-time champion ‘Pecco’ Bagnaiaas Franco Morbidelli, the second driver of the Prima Pramac team have said they feel very proud to belong to a team that has the originality to change, at once, the entire ‘look’ of the team and do it in such an original and fun way.

“The truth is that we are at a fantastic stage in our sporting career and all the members of the team are delighted with everything that is happening to us, which, at the moment, is very, very, wonderful,” said Italian Gino Borsoi, head of the team. Prima Pramac sports team, after having become the leader of a successful project in the team of the Valencian champion Jorge Martínez ‘Aspar‘. “And, yes, we are all amused and find this decoration very original, created by Caravaca, which gives the feeling of having had a great time while thinking about how to surprise us.”

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2024-05-23 19:20:02
#Caravaca #decorates #motorcycles #box #Martíns #team #Montmeló #Provincia


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