Carabinieri Sports and Health Event Brings Together 400 Participants from Trani and Beyond

Four hundred participants from Trani alone, with the hope that the number will grow thanks to participation from other cities in the province. They will all converge in the city today and tomorrow, May 18th and 19th, at the Ponte Lama sports field in via Contrada dei monaci (along the old state road 16 between Trani and Bisceglie) on the occasion of «Carabinieri sport and health».

The event will start at 4.30pm today, Saturday 18 May, until approximately 7pm, and will continue this Sunday, 19 May, from 10am to 7pm.

It is a sporting, recreational and non-competitive event, organized by the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri and to which the following associations and associations have joined so far in the organizational phase: Workout; Tomaso Assi; Judo Trani; Timeout; Southern Bowmen; Fortitude; Sports Academy; Trani rescue; Team la Francesca; Irc Community; Volunteering Italian swimming federation; Italian rescue dog school.

A small, large Olympic village for children aged 6 to 13, to let them experience the thrill of sports less practiced than general ones, but in an atmosphere of maximum aggregation and sharing in which the Carabinieri will be happy to give up their uniform and try their hand themselves in the field, together with the young participants. There will also be exhibitions of helicopters, horses and dogs from the respective specialized units.

«Thanks to the network of associations we demonstrate that there is always a better world – explained Colonel Massimiliano Galasso, provincial commander of the force, during the official presentation of the event -, fortunately opposite to the problems we face and combat on a daily basis. We are counting on a large membership because we are on non-school hours, and all the carabinieri on the field will also be free from duty.”

Experiences of this type are not entirely new, but it is the first time that the Carabinieri have promoted them. The objective is to underline the proximity of the military to the people: «We thought of this event as a moment of sociality in which we work alongside local sports organizations that are also socially involved – explains the top figure of the provincial command -. This shows that there is a main path based on the values ​​of legality and sociability.”

The program includes football, five-a-side football, volleyball, basketball, athletics, fitness, judo, padel, archery and equestrian sports. The detailed program is being prepared, but in the meantime the associations are collecting memberships. «We want to spend 36 pleasant and peaceful hours together with civil society – concludes Galasso -, during which children, teenagers and families will also be able to talk to us to understand that, beyond the uniform, there are human beings who are always close to the community of which they themselves are part of.”

2024-05-17 22:16:31
#Sport #health #today #tomorrow #Carabinieri #calling #kids #Trani


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