Cantù Secures Playoff Final Spot with Thrilling Game 4 Victory

Cantù wins game 4 in a thrilling final after extra time and thus wins a place on the most important stage: that of the playoff final for promotion to Serie A1.

«We are very happy for this victory – comments coach Cagnardi at the end of the match valid as game 4 of the playoff semi-final -. We are where we wanted to be. We had a great approach, we ran away very well, especially in the first 20 minutes.” «It was a really difficult match – he continues – because there were some emotional moments that could have ended it both in our favor and in their favour. I want to thank my players as we didn’t want to go to game 5. Not to be presumptuous but we wanted to have a week to prepare for the final which will see us return to Friuli-Venezia Giulia again against Trieste. I congratulate Udine as a club, as a team, as a technical staff and as a public: they are truly formidable. However, the work is not finished: we want to be determined to achieve the final goal: reaching A1. In addition to the club, we dedicate the victory to our loyal fans who were unable to be with us in these two away games: this success is also theirs and we expect many of them to support us in the final.” On the key factors of the victory: «When the victory seemed to be in doubt, we were good at not losing our heads and remaining as a team. It was a difficult race from both a physical and emotional point of view: in moments of difficulty it would have been easy to give up everything, but we managed to remain united and clear-headed. Furthermore, although we wanted to win at all costs, we never had the idea of ​​controlling the match from start to finish: we knew the value of our opponents.”

2024-05-27 04:10:18
#Cagnardi #happy #lost #minds


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