Cantal Sports Retreat Departmental Day in Mauriac: A Day of Activities for Over 150 Members

Mauriac. Sports Retirement.

The Cantal Sports Retreat is organizing its departmental day tomorrow in Mauriac. More than 150 members are expected to participate in this meeting, organized by the Cantal Departmental Committee (CODERS 15). A wide program of activities will be offered, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the André-Thivet room and the Jean-Lavigne sports center: activ’mémoire, dance activities, aquagym, indoor and outdoor gymnastics, yoga, cycling, VAE, hiking (8 or 10 km), walking, Nordic walking, badminton, pickleball, table tennis, pétanque, blowgun, swin golf, archery. (Illustrative photo)

2024-05-15 04:44:12
#Sports #Retirement #Day


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